Biden’s approval rating hits new low in latest Quinnipiac poll


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As his agenda falters on Capitol Hill, President Joe Biden’s popularity among ordinary Americans is taking a hit.

Biden’s approval rating has fallen to 38%, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. That’s down from 42% three weeks ago and 50% in mid-February.

“Beaten on confidence, questioned on leadership and questioned on overall competence, President Biden is hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues to drop to a number not seen since the scrutiny of the Trump administration, ā€¯Quinnipiac University poll analyst Tim Malloy said in a prepared statement.

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While the Quinnipiac poll has Biden at a low approval rating, an analysis of various polls by FiveThirtyEight shows he remains at 44%. That’s 6 points higher than the Quinnipiac poll.

While Biden maintains insane popularity among Democrats – around 80% approve of the work he does – his approval rating among Republicans and Independents, who make up the bulk of the sample, has plummeted, according to Quinnipiac.

About 32% of independents approve of Biden’s post as chairman. His approval rating among Republicans is only 4%.

Respondents criticized his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, with just 28% saying the withdrawal was the right decision. He had negative approval for his handling of the military, taxes, foreign policy, immigration and the Mexican border, according to the poll.

Biden also hit low points in the latest poll on two key issues: his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy. About half of those polled said they disapproved of the way he had handled the coronavirus and 55% disapproved of his handling of the economy.

The White House has stepped up pressure on Americans to get vaccinated, but about 20% of those polled said they still do not plan to get the shot.

The survey interviewed 1,326 adults between October 1 and October 4. Its margin of error was 2.7 percentage points.


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