Biden's campaign shares Marine's support after criticizing the story of the war during an election campaign


Joe BidenJoe BidenPanel: Why young voters do not support Biden Biden does not he try to deceive anyone with the history of war? The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The US Coastline Prepares for Hurricane Dorian to Land MOREThe presidential campaign sent a fundraising e-mail highlighting the support of a Navy veteran, who continues to be criticized as a result of the war history told by the former vice-president. president during the election campaign.

"During my career, I had the opportunity to meet a handful of leaders with an authentic character. Joe Biden is one of them, "says Captain Kevin Penn, who has served in the Marines for over 20 years and is now a volunteer for the Tragedy Assistance Program. for the survivors.

Penn tells the story of his visit to the White House for an event under the Obama administration. Biden shook hands and took pictures with each member of the service, although he showed up late for an event, saying that he and the other service members "have not forgotten it. "

"Joe Biden is a man of character," Penn said. "And in the era of Twitter and perfect sound beats – people who are most interested in themselves and who shape their own image – Joe Biden is a man who, after more than 40 years of public service, always wants to give. Honestly, I have shivers when I think of his empathy and his dedication to everyone except himself. "

"More than ever, we need leaders in whom we truly believe. I really believe in Joe Biden. I hope you will join me in supporting his campaign, "he added.

The e-mail arrives while Biden's campaign is in damage control mode as a result of a report revealing a story that Biden often tells about his stay in Afghanistan, where the Vice President seems drawn from at least three separate events.

During the election campaign, Biden repeated many times that he had gone to Kunar province in Afghanistan and extolled the heroism of someone who did he says, was "a young captain of the navy". Last month, Biden said in a public session that a general had asked him to pin a Silver Star star on a Navy captain who had pulled back to retrieve the body of a US soldier.

But the Washington Post has written after interviews with more than a dozen Biden soldiers, commanders, and campaigners: "It seems like the former vice president has mixed up elements of the Biden campaign. at least three real events in a story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened. "

Biden said Monday that he had no intention of misleading anyone by telling this story.

"[Details] it matters if you try to mislead people. And I was not trying to mislead anyone, "said Biden in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. What I mean is that I was there. The fact is, what I was trying to say, I would do it again. "


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