Biden’s immigration policy goes beyond Trump reversal


President Biden signals not only a desire to overturn the immigration policies of the Trump era with his first executive actions, but a willingness to go beyond the Obama administration.

A trio of orders signed by Biden last week seek to make amends for the Trump administration’s family separation policy by creating a task force dedicated to reuniting 545 children with their parents.

Biden also ordered a review of his predecessor’s public charge rule, which limited immigration options for those who might need government assistance like food stamps or other social programs.

But it was Biden’s call for a thorough review of the asylum and naturalization process – along with the promise to try and tackle the root causes of Latin American migration – that excited advocates of the ‘immigration.

“We’re not just reversing Trump’s policies, which were superficial and ideological at best, but we’re going beyond the Obama administration,” said Thomas Saenz, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

“It certainly presents a much more sophisticated take on refugee and asylum issues in the Western Hemisphere than we have seen it.”

Biden’s new administrative policy places particular emphasis on the Northern Triangle, the nickname given to neighbors Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where in recent years migration patterns have rivaled those of Mexican nationals.

The “root cause” strategy that Biden’s order calls for channeling aid to strengthen democracy, combat gang violence and revive the economy.

“It’s a much more sophisticated view to see the problem from the root causes and a recognition that the root causes of the Northern Triangle are in part caused by the United States,” Saenz said.

This seismic shift from law enforcement to aid is hailed by many immigration experts as a more realistic long-term approach.

“We are now in a situation where we can no longer lead with harsh application and our approach has to change, and I think what we have seen from the administration is absolutely recognition of that” said Jorge Loweree, director politics. at the American Immigration Council.

Others argue that the policy, which differs from the Obama years, will prove to be more profitable than recent border security measures, in addition to doubling foreign aid.

“Launching a Marshall Plan for Central America costs a lot less than building a wall or hiring immigration officers. It can provide jobs and security in Central America, which could turn off the tap for refugees coming to the United States instead of building more bins, ”said Domingo Garcia, president of the Latin American Citizens League United.

Supporters say Biden isn’t just proposing policies that go beyond the Obama years; it also sets a new tone for immigration and sets itself higher goals.

One of its ordinances calls for strengthening the inclusion of newly naturalized citizens, a nod to the potential reduction in fees and testing requirements associated with citizenship.

There are also signs the Biden administration could diverge from the Obama years by enacting policies that make it easier to access the United States, such as asking the government to consider giving those fleeing domestic violence or gangs the opportunity. to seek asylum. The current law only protects those who flee discrimination based on race, religion, political opinion and other protected classes.

Biden also called for the re-launch of another program the Trump administration aims to eliminate, a program that allows minors in the Northern Triangle to claim refugee status.

But Biden’s orders, along with a comprehensive immigration bill Biden sent to Congress that would provide an eight-year path to citizenship for some 11 million immigrants, are causing backlash among some Republicans in the country. Congress.

“Through these actions, President Biden has sent a loud and clear message to the world that our immigration laws can be violated without consequence,” the member of the House Reform and Oversight Committee said. James comerJames (Jamie) R. ComerHouse Oversight Calls for Secret Service Briefing on Threats of Extremist Violence Following Capitol Riot Calls on the rise for a 9/11 style panel to investigate the attack on the Capitol House GOP raises concerns over Biden’s top cabinet candidates PLUS (R-Ky.).

“These radical left-wing immigration policies will continue to foster the humanitarian crisis at the border, put more children at risk as they are dangerously threatened towards the southern border, encourage more illegal immigration and undermine Right wing state.”

His. Josh hawleyJoshua (Josh) David Hawley Daines seeks to block Haaland’s confirmation to Homewife Hawley files lawsuit against protest organizer outside their home Republican 2024 hopes draw early battle lines for post-era Trump MORE (R-Mo.), Which slowed down Senate confirmation of Homeland Security secretary post Alejandro mayorkasAlejandro MayorkasDaines seeks to block confirmation of Haaland to Federal Cyber ​​Agency of Home Affairs reassessing role in tackling election disinformation GOP warns Biden candidates on hold until impeachment MORE by suspending his appointment, said Biden’s candidate

had not “sufficiently explained how he will apply federal law and secure the southern border.”

Garcia said Democrats will now be tested to show their policies are reasonable.

“One of the attacks Republicans have on Democrats is that Democrats are for open borders. We must show that we are not for open borders but for orderly legal immigration. “

Immigration advocates argue that Biden’s plans are a direct response to what they see as Trump’s failures.

“The last four years of asylum policy has been based on the premise that if we find a way to make things as difficult as possible and increase the hardships people have to endure to join us, people will either give up or not. will never come first. in law. We have gone so far as to take the children away from their parents on the southern border, but we see people keep coming, ”Loweree said.

“This is a testament to the conditions people face in their home country. People wouldn’t face this kind of risk if staying in their home country wasn’t such a dangerous proposition.

This is where advocates see a chance for Biden to treat the border differently from Trump.

Biden’s order calls for the expansion of shelter networks “to meet the immediate needs of people who have fled their homes to seek protection elsewhere in the region.”

From Saenz’s perspective, the United States bears some responsibility for contributing to a militarized northern triangle that is now creating refugees.

“We have contributed a lot to these conditions, and not only with our drug policy, but also with our immigration policy,” he said.

“Almost everyone who leaves wants to get out of this situation because it is so dangerous, and this is as true in an atmosphere of war like Syria as it is in the violent circumstances of the Northern Triangle.

Loweree argued that Biden had to go beyond reuniting families who were separated during the Trump years.

“They also need to seriously think about some sort of compensation fund to repair the damage suffered by the previous administration,” he said.

Still, Loweree said the Biden administration had already made great strides in a short period of time.

“The reality is that they have done a lot. They have been in power for two weeks and they have done an amazing job on immigration. It is the sign of a new era.


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