Biden’s inaugural rehearsal postponed, Amtrak trip canceled due to safety concerns: report


Security concerns in Washington, DC, ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s planned inauguration have resulted in schedule changes, Biden staff said Thursday, according to a report.

A scheduled rehearsal of the inauguration, originally slated for Sunday, has been postponed to Monday as event planners continue to make adjustments in response to the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill, Politico reported.

In addition, an Amtrak ride that Biden and members of his team planned to transport from Wilmington, New York, to Washington on Monday, was canceled, according to the report.


The Biden team also called on Lisa Monaco, a former homeland security adviser to the Obama administration, to provide security advice regarding the inauguration and related events, according to Politico.

“Ms. Monaco will assist the President-elect and work with the new National Security Advisor, the new Homeland Security Advisor and current security and law enforcement officials, including with the United States Secret Service , on their plans for the inauguration, ”a spokesperson for the transition said Politico in a statement. “Given the existing threats, Ms Monaco’s temporary role will focus only on the period leading up to the inauguration.”

The Biden team has brought in Lisa Monaco, a former homeland security adviser to the Obama administration, to provide security advice regarding the inauguration and related events, according to a report.

The Biden team has brought in Lisa Monaco, a former homeland security adviser to the Obama administration, to provide security advice regarding the inauguration and related events, according to a report.

The Biden team declined to comment on the schedule changes, the report says.

Authorities are concerned about possible attempts to repeat the violence that was observed on the Capitol on January 6, which resulted in the deaths of two police officers and several others.

On Thursday, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Jan. 20 of “potential armed protests” in Washington and state capitals.

The area surrounding the Capitol saw significantly increased security following the January 6 riot, including the deployment of as many as 20,000 National Guard troops for the January 20 inauguration.

Around 2,000 members of the Guard were seen at the Capitol as of Wednesday, with photos in the media showing them resting on the marble floors inside the building.


In reaction to the photos, two Democrats – Representatives Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Betty McCollum of Minnesota – called on the U.S. military to provide beds for members of the Guard, reported The Hill.

About 10,000 members of the Guard are expected to be in the nation’s capital by Saturday, Fox News reported.

Biden received a security briefing from the FBI, Secret Service and other federal security officials on Wednesday regarding the inauguration, Politico reported.


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