Biden's stories raise the question of truth in Trump's post-truth era


This after insuring last Friday a delighted crowd in New Hampshire about a story later checked by the Washington Post: "This is the truth of God. My word as Biden."

His recent series of missteps occurs in a totally chaotic political environment because of President Donald Trump.

Biden's words, memory errors and other blunders are not the same as Trump's deliberate daily attacks on the truth.

But they trigger a debate about the nature of the truth in politics and how voters should distinguish between Biden's slips and the probably more serious habit of the president to bend the facts at a historic pace.

The cavalcade of lies uttered by the president shattered the traditional indicators of assessing the loyalty of a candidate to the truth and the consequences of such malfeasance. Yet the exposure of the president's usual lie did not politically disqualify him. On the contrary, it often thrives by creating its own reality in which Loyalists can buy.

As a result of this new era of shredded facts, the 2020 campaign is unfolding at a point of historical inflection.

Every word spoken by the candidates is analyzed more than ever for lies by armies of media fact checkers called upon to meet the challenges posed by Trump.

But it's also a time when the truth in politics seems more devalued than ever, since the president is an example of what lies does not necessarily have to be fatal to a political career.

In a surreal moment on Wednesday night at CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time," Trump's reelection campaign spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, assured that Trump had never lied to the American people.

The behavior of the president has led many media commentators to assert that politics has entered a post-truth era – where there is no real pain in lying.

It's no news that the former vice-president feels like he's being blundered: his blooper would probably extend from his beloved Delaware to the Iowa First Nation.

And many Democrats say that to be content with Biden's verbal flipping is a breach of duty by Beltway's experts when Trump seems to be tearing the fabric of the nation apart.

In fact, Biden was in charge of the case himself last December.

"I'm a machine gaffe, but my God, what a wonder compared to a guy who can not tell the truth," he said in Montana. "I'm ready to plead all these things, the question is what kind of country are we becoming, what are we going to do, who are we?"

Is Trump unique or is politics in a post-truth era?

One of the most important tests of the 2020 campaign will be to determine if Trump is unique and out of the ordinary. Or did he launch a style of leadership that is not simply removable, but can be imitated by other politicians and lowered the bar of truth about public life?

Given this new dynamic, how do you judge Biden's lies, exaggerations and confusions?

And should they undermine the reason for being central to his campaign – which one is best placed to beat Trump?

Biden is a particularly interesting test case. As a rising Democratic star, the then senator bet on his candidacy for the 1988 presidential nomination as a result of a plagiarism scandal.

He reluctantly left after learning that he had raised passages from former British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock for a speech and was accused of using other non-papers. credited.

"I'm no less frustrated by the presidential political environment that makes it so difficult to let the American people measure all Joe Biden and not just the inaccuracies I've made," he told the # 39; era.

This is a measure of how the norms governing presidential politics have changed. Biden's misdemeanor may not have seemed so serious at the time, nor the ultimate sentence.

It seems unlikely that a candidate seeking to oust the current president be forced to withdraw from the plagiarism race, given that Trump is guilty of having committed more than 12,000 false statements in the US. Exercise of its functions, according to the Washington Post's report. CNN's Daniel Dale reported on Wednesday that Trump had made 48 false statements over the past six days.

Some Democrats have argued that Biden's gaffes are so essential that they are embedded in his political image.

All this is part of the Irish rumor of a man whose heart always seems in the right place even if his foot is perpetually directed towards his mouth. He is a guy who, after all, has mourned people who are still alive, said a wheelchair man from "Standing Chuck" and once called his former boss "Barack America".

But there is also a clear double standard.

Hillary Clinton was ridiculed by the Obama campaign during the 2008 Democratic race because of her exaggerated claims of landing under sniper fire during the Bosnian war.

In the case of Clinton, the lie reinforced the existing claims that she had a habitual problem with the truth.

The Post reported that Biden had "the period, the place, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the wrong recipient, as well as his own role in the ceremony" in the event. history of Afghanistan veteran.

If the story of Biden is not treated the same way, there will be more than a whiff of sexism.

Biden's story also recalled an endearing thread narrated by former President Ronald Reagan about a WWII Airman who stayed with a comrade too hurt to get out of the plane that led him to death. Like Biden, Reagan praised the heroism of others. Yet, it appeared later that he had raised the story of a movie, not a real life.

Biden insisted on Thursday that there was no reason to be agitated.

"I made it clear to what extent these people are brave, unbelievable, this generation of warriors, those fallen angels we have lost," he told the post in an interview.

"I do not know what's the problem, what did I say awkwardly?"

A distraction for Biden

However, every day his campaign talks about gaffes is a bad day for his candidacy.

The vice president is the most experienced and intelligent democrat in the world, who can be trusted to handle the negative dam that Trump is waiting to release.

But self-imposed controversies undermine this argument and open the door to questioning Biden's attitude to the truth – something Trump will surely embrace with chutzpah momentum.

The president has already raised questions about the age of Biden, aged 76, calling him "asleep" and speculating on his mental state, despite the fact that Trump is also 70 years old.

Democrats will certainly accuse the media that cover Biden's blunders of false equivalences, just as they claimed that the attention in 2016 to Clinton's emails ignored Trump's much worse behavior.

There is also a question of undeniable degree. Is the Biden War Story really in the same league as Trump's false assertion that he won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Biden's latest wave also occurred after CNN, citing Trump's senior aides, reported that the president had lied about receiving phone calls from China over the trade war at the top of the G7.

Not telling the truth about a critical state affair that affects the global economy certainly outweighs the clumsy confusion of a campaign story.

The nuance and proportions, however, are still overwhelmed by the heat of the campaign for the presidential elections.


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