Big Brother 21: exit interview with Nicole Anthony


Nicole Anthony lost "Big Brother 21", but she also won big. The American dropped to third place throughout the summer, he was a friendly favorite of fans during a season troubled by many controversies. It is no surprise that she was voted America's favorite by the Americans, pocketing $ 25,000.

Well, except for her. Preschooler told us that viewers would never like it. But she is also aware that she was the loser of the season and that she would probably have won the Jackson Michie and Holly Allen could she have gone to the last two? Get more of her thoughts on her last dramatic trio, if she regrets listening to her Cliff Hogg III and expel Tommy Braccoand why she now hates the clowns below. (Check out our interviews with Jackson here and Holly here.)

SEE Summary of the Big Brother Finale: Jackson Wins $ 500,000

Gold Derby: You did not win the match, but you won the heart of America. Is it a good consolation prize?
Nicole: Absolutely. I said at the beginning of the season that I would rather lose and be loved than win and be hated. I have lost, but I feel the love, and it is great!

Gold Derby: You were so surprised to have won that. How did you think you were perceived by America?
Nicole: To be quite honest, I just thought that I was perceived as another person, like a filling post, someone who is a bit strange. I thought that in the coming seasons, people would talk and say, "Who was the one who loved rainbows and unicorns?" "I do not know, but she was a little weird." "How did she manage to qualify for the final three? "" Yeah, I do not know. And that was my biggest fear, so I did not think I was remarkable. I did not even think people were going [like me].

Gold Derby: You voted for Holly and you said your vote was based on last week's living with them. What did you choose last week?
Nicole: Last week, I spent a lot of time out with Holly and I had a lot of long conversations with her about her game. I admit that Holly was somebody who I compared to Michie and I would say, "Well, Michie won more. Michie is at the forefront of this duet. Michie paved the way. And the more I talked to Holly, the more I heard about her strategy of keeping a low profile, then letting out her brains. I did not know it and I did not credit him. The more I talked to her and I saw how well she had done in the first two games of the HOH, it was: "This girl is awesome and she plays a game similar to mine": play flat and win then. I thought it was so commendable and I wanted to pay tribute to that. Yes, I see you and you have done a great job!

Gold Derby: If you had not spoken, would you have voted for Michie?
Nicole: Yes. I have been saying for a long time that Michie is an absolute beast. He had won so much the whole game and I would vote for him at the end. And to be perfectly honest, I had a very, very good feeling that the jury was going to vote for Michie to win and I said, "I think it's going to be this way, so I'm going to pitch Holly to underestimated vote of the ladies. "

SEE The winner of "Big Brother 21", Jackson, states that he is "very, very not racist" and that he "will totally own my mistakes"

Gold Derby: After losing the second game, which everybody was trying to win, did you know that you finished in third place at 99.9% because you are here with a showmance? Was it good that you had a lot of time to accept it?
Nicole: Exactly. I think that in a way, it was good because I knew how to wait for it and that I would not be completely blind, expecting someone to take me to these last two places and that I'm dropped. But at the same time, I would be lying if I said that I have no hope. Michie and Holly were very good at not making me feel like the third wheel or making me uncomfortable. I always told them, "Think about me, consider me." And I really feel like they respect me and consider me. I did not expect one of them to bring me back, but this little glimmer of hope was very uplifting.

Gold Derby: I liked that you were guiding them this week, and it was clear that they were walking a little on eggs because they knew they could not piss you off and lose your vote.
Nicole: [[[[Laughs]Yes! It was so funny. That's why I always said, "The jury will choose …" or I'll turn to Michie and say, "You're good, you're good. You have aligned your little ducks. I guess I'm the next little duck. It was so much fun to play with them because at that time I had nothing to lose.

Gold Derby: Do you think it was ironic to see you upset by clowns and not by birds in the second part?
Nicole: Oh! Yes, you're right! Wow, I did not think about that. You see, now the clowns have something against me. I add them to my list of fear / aversion. Absolutely. It's their fault! If anyone has a problem with how "Big Brother 21" has turned out, you can blame the clowns.

Gold Derby: Let's be clear, you do not fear them like birds; you hate them now. They are your nemesis.
Nicole: Yes! I never thought I did not like clowns, but when you're in a house and they appear behind mirrors and they're scary and the lights are blinking, they're doing damage.[[[[Laughs]

Gold Derby: It was funny that you and Holly both had difficulty with that day. It was as if neither of them cared to remember the clown's day.
Nicole: I know! That's what's so funny. You remember competitions and expulsions and big events. Because you live in this house, you do not consider it a big event; you consider this life. "Oh, that was the day the clowns came. Shit, what day was it? As a stranger who looks, you say to yourself: "Of course you should remember it! But when you're there, it's your life, and you do not think you take note of it.

SEE Holly wants "to have a few words" with "hypocrites" Christie and Tommy

Gold Derby: I think you would have had a good shot at beating Michie and Holly, although part of your campaign, of course, was that they would both be easier to beat you than the other. How did you rate your chances against both in the last two?
Nicole: To be quite honest, as a fan of the series, I really thought I would have won against one or the other. I looked at the wall of memory, I looked at the jury and said: "Michie has pissed a lot of these people." It would be a big fish against my little old man. And Holly was perceived as a person who was riding a bit, so she was against my little old man. I thought I had a great social gaming with people, I know that I repaired a lot of fences and socialized with people before they were judged. And honestly, I think people were looking for an outsider and honestly, I would have won against both.

Gold Derby: You had such good readings at home and you knew right away that Jackson was lying about Tommy, and he finally confirmed that to you the other day. You regret not pushing Cliff anymore to keep Tommy?
Nicole: It's funny because I have moments when I go, "Ugh! I should have kept Tommy. And for Nicole's game, I honestly think Michie may have taken me to the finals and Tommy could lead me to the finals and Cliff to the final. But at the same time, you do not know. We could have entered the final and Tommy could have said, "You know what? I do not want to go to the final with a duet. I ride Nicole and Cliff. Nicole is a bigger threat, "and suddenly I find myself in fourth place. When I replay these scenarios, I can not help saying that there is absolutely no way to know. Even if Tommy was saying now, "I'll leave after Michie," you do not know. You think you know what you will do until you have all this time to think. It could then be easily reversed and I would have taken fourth place instead of third, so I do not regret it. I just wonder how it would have been.

Gold Derby: Would you have always saved Holly if she had not promised to launch the HOH and the veto?
Nicole: I do not think so. I was very on the fence. I wanted to keep Tommy more and I needed strong evidence – as I said, I thought Michie and Holly were closer to Cliff, and they took her to the next day. final three – and I needed solid evidence that there was better chance for me to reach the final. Three. When Cliff said, "We're going to make a deal, get her toss the HOH and veto," I thought, "Oh, okay." And she went through that deal, so I thought, " OK, let's go from the front. . I hope that she is so depressed that she will stick to these agreements and that we will be able to qualify for the last three finals. And obviously, the HOH worked that way, and the veto – ah! I had a few minutes left and Michie took it away.

Gold Derby: Cliff is also behind your back and has an agreement with Michie to make the final. You did not see too much of that.
Nicole: I was not happy at all because I knew that I wanted to bring Cliff to the finals and that I thought Cliff wanted to lead me to the finals, and I thought, "Why would you take Michie? It's a competition beast, it will drive us both water, especially if it's physical. But I respect the game too much and I respect Cliff too much so that I tell him, "You do what you have to do. It's your game. That's why we said if he wins the veto and takes Michie, I'll say, "Cliff, that's your decision. I respect him. But if I won the veto, we would do what Nicole wanted to do, which was to take Holly to the finals.

SEE Guests training for their heinous behavior during the "Big Brother 21" finale were incredible on TV.

Gold Derby: You burned a lot in the house. Obviously, there was intimidation in the HOH room, but you also entrusted people you thought you could trust – Bella [Wang] and Jess [Milagros] – and they put their mouths immediately after. How did these incidents affect your confidence and confidence in your game?
Nicole: Oh wow. The incident of intimidation and the incident of Bella occurred at the beginning. It was me like, "Oh, I'll be me. I will be faithful to myself, direct and truthful, and the truth will free you! And when all that happened, I learned to say less. I learned that even if it was the truth, you could not tell the truth to too many people, because that would be like biting you. So, in the future, I learned to pay close attention to what I said and to whom, and to focus more on validating people and giving them the "um, yeah , ok "instead of information and details. So, yes, that affected my social gaming because I was more of a listener than a speaker from that moment on. But that did not affect my gameplay. If I had won an HOH earlier, I would have always left after the big fish.

Gold Derby: When I saw the double expulsion, HOH was a headache, I thought to myself, "Oh, Nicole probably did a thousand headaches in her daily work," and you've got it then crushed. How many puzzles have you done?
Nicole: Yes! It's a giant puzzle! I've done so many puzzles on the floor! I made dinosaurs and butterflies and Elmo – all the puzzles you can imagine. So I was ready to leave.

Gold Derby: It was definitely your comp. One of my favorite stories about you is that you locked up your parents in the basement when you were a kid. What is the complete story there?
Nicole: Okay, so the full story is that I was at home with my mom and that my father came home with a Rudolph bag. I opened the door saying, "Oh, daddy!" He said, "No, no, you can not see that" and I went down to the basement. And I thought, "What's in Rudolph's bag?" And no one answered me. Then my mother went with him and I said to myself, "What's in Rudolph's bag?" They said, "You can not go down here, you have to stay upstairs." And I, myself, am saying, "Oh, yes? "Then I returned the door latch of the basement and I stayed in the kitchen waiting for them, and when they went up the stairs, the door was locked. They said, "Nicole, what's going on ?!" And I said to myself, "You can not enter this kitchen until I know what's in the Rudolph bag!" It took them at least an hour to convince me of chocolate. I've finally yielded to chocolate, but to be honest, to this day, I still do not know what was in Rudolph's bag.

Gold Derby: So chocolate is your Achilles heel.
Nicole: I've been distracted by chocolate! Shit!

Gold Derby: You must know what is in the bag. It's like "Seven": what's in the box? Let's hope it was not a head.
Nicole: [[[[Laughs]I know! This is my new mission.

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