Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Jackson Wins Week 11 HOH; Tommy is the target


The "Big Brother" house guests were busy this week, with a heads-up competition that took place during the live episode of September 5th. But Nicole Anthony"The reign of HOH was short-lived and ended after the expulsion of Christie Murphy in the last minutes of the show. We thought we were going to participate in the Heads of Households contest of the 11th week shortly after, but it was delayed and took place on Friday morning. We watched live streams and all our # BB21 spoilers, including those who won this contest to become Week 11 HOH.

All the guests participated except Nicole. Jackson Michie won again. This guarantees Tommy Bracco will be on the block. The only way for him to avoid the eviction on Thursday, September 12 is to win the veto power Saturday. We will watch live feeds and report POV results as soon as we get them.

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