"Big Little Lies" in Starstruck Over, marveled by Meryl Streep during filming


Big little lies Season 2 aired last night on HBO and viewers heard about Meryl Streep, Mary Louise, mother of the late (murdered) Perry.

It was wonderful to replenish the gang after two years. The Montecito Five, as they are notoriously known, have hardly changed. Madeline always responds to everything, Renata continues to show off, Jane always tries to reconcile everything as a cool young single mother, Bonnie … ok, Bonnie ruined everything.

Reese Witherspoon, Zoe Kravitz, Laura Dern, Shailene Woodley, Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep | Monica Schipper / FilmMagic
Reese Witherspoon, Zoe Kravitz, Laura Dern, Shailene Woodley, Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep | Monica Schipper / FilmMagic

We learn that the case of Perry's death is nearly closed (or a nearby source tells Renata), and the Five of Montecito think they are about to get away with it. But two potential problems are revealed in the first episode of season 2. 1) Bonnie sinks deeper and deeper into regret / depression and women are afraid of cracking. 2) Mary Louise.

In her first amazing interaction with Madeline, it's obvious that Mary Louise is here to change things. She mourns the death of her son and does not care who hinders him. She tells Madeline that she is short and untrustworthy and that she is "wanted". She reads it like a book.

Dialogue in this scene is not only so good and satisfying, but Meryl Streep does just what Meryl Streep can do. The lines simply sound different – better – coming out of his mouth.

The cast of "Big Little Lies" reacts by playing alongside Meryl Streep

The audience was not the only one to marvel at Streep's performance. It turned out that the cast had been the star of the acting power throughout the shooting season 2.

Variety recently asked Adam Scott (Ed) to describe his experience with Streep.

"It's amazing, I still can not believe I'm on a TV show that Meryl Streep is also associated with, it's always weird, it was great, you know, the first time I I met her, she was at the reading table and she was very kind – she chatted for just a second and then she went to talk to someone else and I was standing a little there and immediately Laura Dern came to me and she said: "I saw everything, you did very well." Everyone knows that as an actor, you wait for any your life to meet Meryl Streep, let alone work with Meryl Streep, ride a show with Meryl Streep, so it was as incredible as you can imagine, "he said.

Variety also recently interviewed Laura Dern (Renata) about the shoot with Streep. She talked about what she learned from her.

"What an amazing teammate she is. Her goal is to make sure that all the stories – even if she is not part of them – sound and remain honest and easy to tell. And it's a great lesson and a reminder, "she said.


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