Big Wet President blames Kentucky Derby result on PC Police


Photo: Alex Brandon (AP Photo)

Given that Donald Trump could probably name every host of Fox and friends In chronological order before being able to appoint a Supreme Court Judge he did not appoint, so it is not surprising that our President, Doughboy, chose to engage in the controversy over video replay in Kentucky Derby. However, contrary to what I think very well and correctly about the subject, Trump attributes the responsibility for what has happened to maximum security to the conservative evergreen boogeyman: the politically correct.

It was not the first time he had tweeted about it on Sunday. His initial attempt to get this incredible takeoff occurred a few hours earlier. The message is exactly the same, but see if you can spot the difference between the two tweets.

It's great that Trump thinks that the good horse lost Saturday for the same reason that he is not allowed to publicly qualify things as "gay" just because he hates them. It is even better that this same brain inside the humid exterior of the president, who creates these logical jumps, may have the slightest fantasy to lead us all to conquer the realm and to realize this desire.

I am fully expecting the presidential security to receive a presidential medal of freedom in the coming weeks.


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