Biggest Nintendo Direct Announcements: SNES Games, Overwatch, And More


Nintendo's latest Direct presentation on its focus on upcoming Switch games, and the publisher rocked the house by pointing to a bunch of titles that will be available in the next few days and months. The console is getting a slate of Super Nintendo games that are exclusive to Switch Online subscribers, and we are learning about new Super Smash Bros. characters, a bunch of games that will hit the end of the year.

Here's a rundown of all the biggest news out of the September 2019 Nintendo Direct, and Nintendo DLC released after the broadcast.

Switch Gets A SNES Library

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Nintendo gave the owners a new lease of life: it's releasing 20 Super Nintendo games on the console, exclusive to subscribers and no additional cost. The games include Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Star Fox, and a bunch more. Nintendo also announced an SNES Switch controller for $ 30 that will also be an exclusive offer for online subscribers. Here's the full list of SNES games, all of which will be available on September 5.

Overwatch Rumors Were True

As leaked ahead of the Direct, Overwatch is getting a Switch port – and it's coming sooner rather than later. The hero hits hits Switch on October 15.

Banjo & Kazooie Are Raring To Go In Smash

Nintendo announced Banjo & Kazooie for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate back at E3, but now we have a date for the latest character DLC: today. As in right now. The third character of the $ 25 Fighters Pass DLC pack with a new stage, Spiral Mountain, and a title update that adds the classic Home Run Contest mode to the game as well. Check out all the details on Banjo & Kazooie, which Nintendo detailed after the Direct.

Terry Bogard Accept Smash Invitation

In addition to getting Banjo & Kazooie, Nintendo revealed the next Fighters Pass character added to Smash to be Terry Bogard of Fatal Fury and Fame King of Fighters. More characters are also in development, Nintendo said.

Pokemon, Undertale Smash Costumes Are Here

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Even more Smash stuff is hitting the game today. Nintendo announced new costumes based on Pokemon and Undertale. The Undertale costume features Toby Fox, and all are available for $ 0.75 each.

Super Kirby Four-Player Clash Released Today

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Kirby Clash is a Kirby Clash, a four-player cooperative Kirby title in which each player takes on a version of the puffy character with a different role on the team. The game is free-to-start – Nintendo's take on free-to-play – and sports a single-player mode as well.

Little Town Hero Gets A Release Date

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Pokemon developer GameFreak's upcoming non-Pokemon RPG, Little Town Hero, is coming on October 16. Nintendo showed off some gameplay footage of the title that shows you'll be fighting off monsters with turn-based battle ideas. Toby Fox is contributing to the game.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 With Cross-Save Out Today

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Divinity: Original Sin 2 rounded out the hitting Switch as of today. In addition to being well-loved RPG, the game also features cross-save support between Steam and Switch.

Deadly Premonition 2 Announced, Original Available Now

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Nintendo Announced That Swery65's famously weird, Twin Peaks-esque game is getting a sequel in Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise, which we can expect on Switch in 2020. In the meantime, you can play the original Deadly Premonition right now– Nintendo released a Switch version called Deadly Premonition Origins that's available today.

Xenoblade Chronicles Remaster Set For 2020

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The Wii title Xenoblade Chronicles is returning from a remake. Nintendo did not set a firm release date, but we can expect Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition sometime next year.

Assassin 's Creed Rebel Collection Confirmed

The Assassin's Creed: Rogue and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.


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