Bill de Blasio should announce his candidacy for the presidency next week


Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce his candidacy for the presidency next week.

"I will make my decision in May and as soon as we have something to say to you, we will tell you," said the mayor at a press conference on crime statistics.

But a source familiar with his schedule told the Post that the mayor is getting into the race and will probably make the declaration next week, giving himself more time to raise funds and distance himself from the announcement of the 25th. April of former Vice President Joe Biden.

May is a busy month for the mayor. He will be 58 on May 8, he will celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife Chirlane McCray on May 14 and his son Dante, a graduate of Yale University on May 20.

De Blasio confirmed at the press conference that his political organization, Fairness PAC, would interview real voters in Iowa to inform his decision.

"My PAC is conducting a survey," he said, refusing to elaborate on this effort.

He has visited four major states, including Iowa, in February.

De Blasio has expressed confidence in his leadership position among some 20 overcrowded Democrat candidates, although a recent poll shows that 76% of New Yorkers do not want it for the 2020 race.

"I have never run for anything without the intention of winning," he said.


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