Bill Hader on the power of co-starring Finn Wolfhard in Hollywood


"When they asked them," Who do you want to play in the sequel? "Because they're all growing up, he said he wanted it," said Hader about Wolfhard. "My agent sent me a small snippet of it saying that and I thought:" Oh, that's nice. "

Hader said that he had met director Andy Muschietti three months later. "I was like:" This super-Finn is super powerful, "he says before comparing Wolfhard's power to the Game of thrones character Joffrey Baratheon. "Like, 'Bring it to me." Bring me the man who played Stefon! I want him to play me in the movie. "

the Barry star later spoke of his need for a double hit on a set of He: Chapter Two. He admitted that even though most of his co-stars were doing their own stunts, he had to use a double for a simple running scene.

"There was a part where we had to flee the clown, I ran four feet and I contracted my groin muscle," he said. "They had to find my stuntman just to run."

He added that even though stuntmen are usually "thrilled" to work, his stuntman was not impressed by his task: "The guy was like:" I just have to run, are you serious? "

Hader also joined host Jimmy Fallon and guest Cara Delevingne to share scary stories around a campfire, but these stories were about uncomfortable social interactions.

Fallon opened the segment by telling the story of a wedding he attended. "I've been invited as a plus-one – I did not know one soul there, but it's not even the worst," he said. "They did not serve alcohol! I had to talk to people." Hader and Delevingne screamed at the story.

Hader said that he had an even more scary story that would "cool you down to the bone". He said that a colleague had wished him a happy birthday and he replied, "Thank you too".

The scary story of Delevingne involved a first date. "He looked normal, you know, but out of nowhere, he said something that will haunt me until the day of my death," she said. He said, "I hope you like the vape rides. "And then he made vape turns."

Hader said with confidence that he had an even more frightening story. "I recently had a medical exam and the dentist told me," It suits you well. I can say that you flossed, "he explained. "And I looked at her right in the eyes and said:" You too. "

The second story of Fallon was so scary that he only told it to his therapist. "After that, she left the profession and became a judge Dance with the stars"He said," Hader and Fallon parted in laughter before the host told how he had seen someone waving his hand. " I then realized that he was beckoning to someone behind me, so I pretended to direct the traffic. I stayed and directed the traffic for three hours, "he said. I went back there to direct traffic every day, just to follow the charade. "

Hader concluded the segment by telling Fallon and Delevingne to settle down. "The other day, I coughed, but it sounded like a sneeze, so someone turned to me and said," God bless you. " He said that Hader had said, "You too," although the actor revealed that he had said, "Give me some oil, daddy," he said. . It's dinner time and I'm a little soup boy. Chompa, chompa. "


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