Bill Maher delivers one final insult to Kellyanne Conway in ‘real time’



On the evening of January 7, a full day after an army of Trump fanatics – at the president’s behest – stormed the U.S. Capitol as part of a mission to overthrow the government, threatening members Congressman and killing a police officer in the process, Kellyanne Conway published a rambling statement on Twitter.

In it, one of Trump’s most loyal and semi-reliable advisers condemned the events as “scandalous and inexcusable”, followed by the comical lie that his former boss had “denounced the violence, acknowledged the certified results of the elections and committed to a “peaceful transfer”. of power “to the Biden-Harris administration.”

The hugely false claim was greeted with an almost universal raised eyebrow, including by Kellyanne’s own teenage daughter, who told her mother (via TikTok), “How do you feel about your army becoming rioters?” “

Well, Kellyanne – who once invented a terrorist attack in the “Bowling Green Massacre” – visited Real time with Bill Maher Friday night for his 19e premiere of the season. Kellyanne and Maher have a dating history dating back to her ABC show Politically incorrect, and, perhaps because she may no longer be of any use, the comedian asked some tough questions in the direction of the professional obfuscator and the lie (between smiles and yuk-yuks, of course, like as usual).

After joking about her inaugural outfit, Kellyanne confessed that she attempted to send a message to Trump on January 6, as her supporters (again, at her instigation) stormed the then U.S. Capitol. that he was doing absolutely nothing.

“I wish the President had spoken with people earlier to fuck them out of there,” Conway offered, adding, “I spoke to him. I had said to the person standing next to them, ‘Please add my name to the chorus of people who are just saying: you have to tell them to come out. I don’t know what they do, why they are there, but tell them to get out. “

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Then Maher replied, “You have to admit that the reason they were here is because he never conceded the election.”

“Well, I did it a long time ago,” Conway replied, rather hollow. “I think the real disappointment for people like me is that the last two months, let’s just say November 6 to January 6, haven’t been mainly spent talking about accomplishments, reviewing accomplishments. He built the best economy we have ever had.

“Did he build it?” It was roughly builtMaher retorted, forgetting to mention that when Trump leaves office there are 10.7 million people out of work – a number that remained unchanged from December to January, as Trump apparently spent all of his time watching cable news, complaining about the election. , and yes, encourage a violent attack on the US Capitol and Congress, including its Vice President Mike Pence.

Kellyanne offered more unconvincing defenses for Trump’s presidency, including that he “rebuilt the army” (it has never been in dire straits) and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, an empty move if there ever was.

Then she delivered the kicker: “I mean, you can’t deny that a lot of people are better off.”

“Well, they’re no better off now!” Maher exclaimed. “Many of them are dead. “

Yes, even if Kellyanne wishes the last two months of Trump’s election were spent admiring his (meager) list of so-called accomplishments, the time would have been much better spent trying to curb a deadly pandemic than Trump and his minions helped to unleash himself. to their inaction – one that claimed the lives of almost 400,000 people and drove millions more into poverty. Shameful, really.

And Maher, rather than complimenting her attire or wishing her a “happy birthday” towards the end of their conversation, could have held her feet to the fire better.

Hopefully, for America’s sake, this is the very last time we see these two yaks on TV (or see Kellyanne on TV at all).

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