Bill Maher says ‘awakened’ Tokyo Olympics riddled with ‘real-time’ culture cancellation


Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, who returned to the air after a month-long hiatus, the HBO host claimed that Toyko’s Summer Olympics surpassed the Oscars when he went acted to cancel the culture. “Please don’t make the Olympics the Oscars,” pleaded Bill Maher during his New Rules segment of the show.

In April, Maher said the theme for the 2021 Oscars was, “We challenge you to entertain yourself,” he reminded his viewers. The producers of the Hollywood event, he complained, spared no effort when it came to injustice and human error.

Maher (who was wearing a new pair of glasses) believes the International Olympic Committee lobbied even harder than Hollywood. He then referred to a number of instances where the “awakened” committee has punished creative officials and staff for decades-old behavior. The director of the opening ceremony, for example, was fired for a Holocaust joke he made in a comedy decades ago.

The music director of the opening ceremony was also fired for a 1994 interview in which he admitted to bullying fellow students at school as a child. “Remember when your teacher was trying to scare you, he would say, ‘You know, this is going to be on your permanent record,'” he said. “It’s not an empty threat now.”

It then took a hit with the media coverage of surfing becoming an Olympic sport in Tokyo. Even the Associated Press ran an article with the headline “whitewashed” which claimed that the addition of surfing as an Olympic sport exacerbated cultural appropriation and “racial indignities.” The reasoning behind this claim is that non-Hawaiians have popularized and mainstreamed a sport that has deep spiritual and community significance to its founders.

Although he continued to joke, Maher’s tone was firm when he made his points.

“It’s called a purge,” Maher said of the cultivation cancellation in the United States and around the world. “It’s a mentality that belongs to Stalin’s Russia. How bad this atmosphere we live in has to be before people who say culture cancellation is exaggerated have to admit that it is, in fact, world-engulfing madness. “

Maher said, in an effort to clarify that he is not taking a right-wing stance, “My politics have not changed, but I am responding to politics that have changed.”

The negative media coverage of the Olympics, he continued, is “another example of how the revival reversed the very thing that made liberals liberals. “Snitches and bitches” is not being liberal. “

Maher thinks that “most of human history is a horror story”, but the silos of cultures prevent us from moving forward. “The good parties are the groups that come together and share. In a way, that’s the whole point of the Olympic Games, ”he said.

The concept of the Olympic Games itself, he pointed out, originated in Greece. He then proceeded to enumerate a list of sports and their places of origin, including badminton in India, tennis in France and taekwondo in Korea. “What’s this new rule that the first to do something is the only one to have it ?!” he thought.

He concluded with an attempt to clarify cultural exploitation versus cancellation of culture. “Stealing natural resources from indigenous peoples – yes, of course, that is exploitation,” he said, however, “It’s not all about oppression. “

Cultures have shared ideals in other directions as well, he added. K-pop groups like BTS have become popular in the United States by making Western pop music, not by playing songs influenced by traditional Korean culture.

“We live in a world where straight actors are told they cannot play homosexual roles and where white novelists are not allowed to imagine what it is like to be a Mexican immigrant,” he said. Maher said. “Even though trying to inhabit someone else’s life is almost the definition of empathy, the foundation of liberalism.”

Michael is a music and television junkie with a passion for most things that are not complete and utter boredom. You can follow him on Twitter – @Tweetskoor

Flux Real time with Bill Maher on HBO Max


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