Bill Murray, Adam Driver in Zombie Comedy – Deadline


The dead who walk In recent years, the conversation about zombies has been lost all his life, but that did not stop director Jim Jarmusch from diving into it. The only problem is that, apart from a few political jabs, there is nothing new to say about The dead do not die, a largely lifeless cartoon that is saved to the extent possible by an awesome cast that only Jarmusch could assemble from this scenario.


In what is nothing more than an impassive version of an old Abbott and Costello movie, Bill Murray in the role of Cliff, police chief of a sleepy little town called Centerville, in the United States , and his partner Ronnie (Adam Driver) on patrol. the place for all the problems. But despite small skirmishes between Hermit Bob (Tom Waits) and Farmer Miller (Steve Buscemi), the latter wearing a red cap with the title "Make America White Again", there is not much left to do before setting up a global environmental strategy. The "polar fracking" disaster erases the night and keeps the city lit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unleashing local deaths, which rise from the cemetery to begin a zombie invasion that causes great devastation. many bloodflows, including the kind of Iggy Pop (!), which tears dinner with Sara Driver.

Of course, all this worries the cops, who also include Chloé Sévigny as agent Mindy Morrison, but this has the effect of occupying the funeral director Zelda Winston. Tilda Swinton, always brilliant, with her Scottish accent, her samurai and an old postal code belonging to another part of the universe, plays oddly. She manages to strip a lot of heads with intense determination. Selena Gomez presents herself with other teens in an old Pontiac. Danny Glover, Caleb Jones Landry, Carol Kane and other people come in and out, and there is a lot of general chaos, but fortunately Murray and Driver stick to the ground, knowing exactly how to establish a patented dialogue on Jarmusch with a muffled expression.

The best moments happen when Driver breaks the fourth wall and starts referring to his director's script to explain the final result. I do not have to tell you because, really, what does it do? This kind of thing lives or dies because of the strength of its casting and, in this case, it could be enough to arouse an initial interest. I must say, however, that it is a disappointment on the part of Jarmusch, an original director, certainly, but capable of greatness. His previous film, Paterson, who played the role of driver as a bus driver, was perfection and landed on my top 10 list for the year. This one will not be.

Like many of his films, including a better genre romp about vampires from a few years ago, called Only lovers will stay alive (also with Swinton), The dead do not die was competing last month at the Cannes Film Festival, where he got the prestigious opening place. I must say that despite some fun moments and some intriguing points about climate change, I almost forgot about it when I arrived at the bottom of the steps of the Grand Theater Lumière. I've had a good time watching beautiful actors doing their best to take it all seriously and have a good laugh on the way. But it's definitely a minor tariff on the part of the man who brought us Broken flowers, coffee and cigarettes, Night on Earth, and Stranger Than Paradise among others.

The producers are Joshua Astrachan and Carter Logan. Focus Features opens semi-wide Friday. Check out my video review on the link above that includes scenes from the movie.

Do you plan to see The dead do not die? Tell us what you think.


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