BioWare Community Manager Unveils Content for Anthem Future


In an open and very candid thread on Twitter, AnthemJesse Anderson, Community Manager, explained to the players why the studio was so close to the future. He let the players know, "Sometimes, when bigger discussions take place internally, I have to suspend the communication to avoid saying inaccurate things. improve communication on AnthemContent of the future. It's no secret that the game is struggling to retain players, but the BioWare team seems intent on making changes happen.

Anderson explains, "It may not always be future content for Anthembut I can talk about what has just been published, what is going to be published, and the issues that the team is aware of and that they are settling / studying. He went on to explain that the last part was particularly difficult. He struggled to find a balance between interacting with the community and providing the information he wanted about the game. He cited a case where he wanted to joke with the participants of the feed but did not know if it would be good taste. For the future, the team aims to avoid situations similar to this "because it is not a great experience for the players either".

Anderson concluded his discussion on a positive note by informing players that, to the extent possible, more regular information will fall in the future during these flows. He also stressed his joy of living with other looters, such as destiny and Division 2and reminded readers that "we can all coexist! Do not spread hatred. "

I hope this is an indicator of good things to come for the future of Anthem. The studio seems to recognize the role their community is playing in improving the game. With luck, we could see the game re-engage their players in the same way as the original game. destiny done with their very revered King caught expansion, or Destiny 2 done with the Abandoned expansion.

Are you excited for the future of Anthem? Do Anderson's comments give you confidence in the future of the game? Give us your thoughts below!


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