BioWare deploys patches to make the loot of the hymn more percussive, reduces the connection time



It is not really cool to like Anthem for now, but BioWare is doing a lot of things to straighten the boat. Not only were they daily in the trenches of Reddit, reading and commenting on the comments significantly (Bungie could learn from them), but they also developed fixes pretty quickly.

The latest series of updates come in the form of patch 1.04 and a loot patch. The first fixes some bugs and deals mainly with a major annoyance Anthem: attachment. In short, players too far from their team during active missions were forced to teleport to their team, which resulted in a brief loading screen. In most cases, just keeping in touch with your group will cancel the attachment mechanism, but there are cases where you charge and see the stopwatch immediately. Now it's more relaxed.

We've talked about loot changes in the past, but they deal with masterpieces (high level loot) and their effectiveness. Players must now find more relevant bonuses (inscriptions) on their weapons. Below you will find a complete list of changes to the loot.

There is work to be done, especially on a technical level, but most of the updates have been excellent so far.

Hymn corrective for booty [Reddit]

  • The inscriptions on the objects will no longer be appropriate for this specific object. NOTE: This only applies to items obtained after the patch. Items obtained before the fix will always have the same markings as before.
  • The masterpiece craft costs have been reduced from 25 -> 15 embers master. The amount of plants, metal and parts needed to make a Masterwork object has also been reduced.

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