Birthday: my God, is the GameCube really 20 years old?


Image: Nintendo’s Life

You know how it is. Wait a minute, you’re a young and exuberant in your twenties, anxious to be let loose in the world and make your way; forge new relationships, find a job, maybe rent your first home. Your whole life is in front of you! Then – BOOM – you are suddenly past 40, the past two decades have been blurry and to make matters worse, some crazy person on the internet tells you that the Nintendo GameCube is 20 years.

This cannot be true; we still vividly remember reading the box-shaped console in magazines and our unreasonable excitement before pre-ordering this wonderful box of gaming goodness just a few years ago! Thug leader. Luigi’s mansion. Zelda: Wind Waker! All these games feel so New, so recent; and now you tell me this thing is a two whole decades old? That he’s old enough to drink, smoke, marry, and enlist in the armed forces (at least in some countries)?

Sorry, we’re going to have to lie down with a nice cup of hot chocolate. It was all a bit of a shock, if we’re being honest. Where have all these years gone? Hmm. In the meantime, check out our list of the best GameCube games, as well as our take on the history and impact of the machine.

A machine that’s now 20 flippin ‘.


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