Bitcoin Time Traveler Proof that BTC will reach $ 1 million


By NCC: John McAfee, a self-proclaimed "mad man," is back. Sincerely holding his call for the price of Bitcoin to exceed $ 1 million by the end of 2020, the Crypto Evangelist has recruited an unlikely ally in his crusade: Bitcoin time traveler "who, according to McAfee," never went astray ".

John McAfee will take all the help he can to get a million dollar Bitcoin call

A traveler in time is hardly convincing, but as you can see in his famous message, it has certainly been globally correct – until now.

Back to reality for a second: It is obvious that these predictions are surprisingly broad. It's not like our friend of "Back to the Future" predicted Bitcoin at $ 8,800 in May 2019.

Whatever it is, John McAfee is sold. He does not care about the origin of the information as long as it is correct – and confirms his own predictions.

Some accurate forecasts are far from enough sample size to suggest that someone has a benefit. The old adage that a broken clock is right twice a day sounds right. If there ever was a sign of bullish abandon in the markets, it is if people start buying based on the advice of temporary travelers.

John McAfee, Bitcoin

John McAfee will support anyone who believes in a bitcoin of a million dollars | Source: REUTERS / Jorge Dan Lopez

John McAfee has undoubtedly found his old personality in recent months. Whether it's what Satoshi Nakamoto claims or the federal government's escape, he has generated an incredible number of titles during the 2019 Bitcoin rising race.

Time Traveler: Winklevoss Twin has nothing to do

So, if McAfee and his time friend are right, who is really in trouble? The twins of Winklevoss. While browsing the post of Reddit, you can dig up the next gem,

"What happened to the twins of Winklevoss? The Winklevoss twins were among the first to die. After witnessing the tremendous damage to the structure of society, terrorist movements emerged that sought to hunt down and murder anyone who was known to have a large payout of Bitcoin, or presumed in any way responsible for the development of cryptocurrency. "

Yes, this means that McAfee publicly guarantees a post that also contains the allegation that Bitcoin terrorists could murder Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss in 2025. It is obvious that they are not ordinary terrorists – they are also hypocrites.

"Ironically, these terrorist movements are using Bitcoin to anonymously fund their operations."

McAfee wants to exploit Crypto Hubris

bitcoin price

The price of bitcoin jumped in 2019, but suffice it to say that McAfee's $ 1 million bet is an outlier – even in the most bullish environments in the industry. | Source: Yahoo Finance

The moral of this story is that cryptocurrency will increase, ushering in a worldwide apocalypse.

Given that John McAfee is supposed to be an important Bitcoin bag holder, would not he be one of the next players vying for hordes of anti-crypto terrorists? No, because all this is ridiculous and McAfee is only marketing its million dollar call while the price of Bitcoin is skyrocketing. That's not to say that it's not very fun, though.

This Reddit post is only useful for the script of a sequel to Kyle Tekiela's "Crypto" movie.

As investment advice, it has the same value as a Venezuelan Bolivar.

Click here for a real-time bitcoin price chart.


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