Black bear caught in a hot tub living his best life in Tennessee


GATLINBURG, Tennessee (WVLT) – It is at this time of year that bear observations increase in people living close to their habitat. Although most bear sightings are not unusual in the Smokies, this one definitely does: it's in personal care.

The photos shared with WVLT by Hannah Strickland show the little pet taking time to rest and relax in a hot tub.

Strickland said that she had rented a booth with her boyfriend in Gatlinburg when they saw three cubs just outside. One of the cubs jumped into the hot tub for a quick swim.

Once the bears were cleared, Strickland and his boyfriend covered the tub. Their new friends did not come back after.

"It was so nice to see and they are adorable close up! It's also our first trip together so we will not forget it!" she says.

Even if the moment was short, it reminds all of us that we can always have time to pamper ourselves.

And this is not the only sighting lately.

Another bear from the Gatlinburg area was filmed trying to pull out the window of a car. And in Richmond, Virginia, a family watched a bear surround their home.

Here's what you should do if you encounter a bear according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency:

  • Never feed or approach bears!
  • If a bear approaches you in the wild, he is probably trying to assess your presence.
  • If you see a black bear from afar, change your route, get back in the lane or wait until it leaves the area.
  • Make your presence known by shouting and shouting to the bear in order to scare him away.
  • If you are approached by a bear, stand up, raise your arms to look bigger, scream and throw stones or sticks until he leaves the area.
  • When camping in bear country, keep all food in a vehicle or in a bear proof box and away from tents.
  • Never run a black bear! This will often trigger his natural instinct to hunt.
  • If a black bear attacks, fight aggressively and do not play dead!
  • Use pepper spray, sticks, pebbles or whatever else you can find to defend yourself.

If they are cornered or threatened, bears may slap the ground, "break" the jaw or "blow" as a warning. If you see these behaviors, you are too close! Slowly back up facing the bear always.

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