Black men will never be "good with a rifle"


The daily show Host Trevor Noah paused after telling jokes Tuesday night to speak directly to his audience of Emantic Bradford Jr., an innocent black man that police officers mistakenly identified as a mass shooter in a mall in Alabama during the Thanksgiving weekend and that was shot down. The shooter escaped alive and is believed to be still at large.

"How is this shit going on?" Asked Noah after exposing the details of the tragic incident. "The cops are called in a situation. They see a black person. And then immediately they shoot.

"Even though we are working in a world where the police really believed that he was the shooter, how many times did we see a white gunman and a man getting himself talked?" He asked, citing the gunmen in a movie theater Aurora, Charleston The church and others are prominent examples of authorities arresting male and female white men. When white male mass shooters die, he added, it's most often because they shoot at each other. When it's a black man, he said the process was too often "shoot now, ask questions later".

"Judging, it looks like this guy is a" good guy with a gun, "Noah said. "That's what they always say, that the" good guy with a gun "stops the crime. But if he "happens to be a black guy" a good guy with a gun ", they do not get any of the benefits."

The incident made him realize that "the second amendment is not for blacks," adding that "it's uncomfortable to say, but it's the truth."

"If you're a black person in America, gun rights are not for you. It's as simple as that, "concluded Noah. "It's bullshit, but it's true. The second amendment was not made for blacks. "


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