Black Ops Cold War Season 1 leak reveals four maps, new skin


By Stephany Nunneley, Wednesday 2 December 2020 15:22 GMT

It appears that Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 1 content has leaked thanks to dataminers.

According to the various leaks in Season 1, some of which were deleted from Twitter, Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops players will be able to indulge in four new maps and a starter pack full of items.

Raid, Rebirth Island, Launch, and a snowy mall map appear to be the four cards coming with season 1.

There’s also a new Adler skin, emblems, name card, and points that come with a Starter Pack, including the various leaks.

Again, some of the leaked content was removed from Twitter because DMCA and Activision weren’t too happy with the situation, so until the company makes the content official, just keep all of this information hidden as unconfirmed. for the moment – despite everything appearing on the spot.

Season 1 is set to launch next week on December 10.

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