BlazBlue: Celica A. Mercury, Elizabeth, Tohru Adachi, Hilda and Susanoo, two famous DLC characters, announced


BlazBlue: battle of cross tag

Celica A. Mercury of BlazBlue: central fiction, Elizabeth of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Tohru Adachi of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Hilda from Under the night in birthand Susanoo's BlazBlue: central fiction Are the remaining five new characters part of the "Version 2.0 Content Pack" add-on for BlazBlue: battle of cross tag, announces the Arc System Works developer.

Previously featured characters include Yumi's Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, Blitztank's Akatsuki Blitzkampf, Akatsuki's Akatsuki Blitzkampfand Neo Politan's RWBY.

The free version 2.0 update, scheduled for November 21, will include major balance adjustments for each character. The Version 2.0 Content Pack add-on needs to be released on the same day for $ 24.99 and includes the nine additional playable characters, a new storyline, and new character interactions and colors.

BlazBlue: battle of cross tag is available now for PlayStation 4, Switch and PC.

Watch a trailer of the characters recently announced below.

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