Blizzard expects the new hero Overwatch, Baptiste, goat attack |


Blizzard revealed that they were expecting Overwatch's new hero, Baptiste, to be a counterweight to the infamous makeup of GOATS.

Baptiste is the 30th heroes to join the Overwatch list. A former combat doctor in Talon, he is a support character whose mechanics are more typical of a DPS, with an impact rifle that can be used as a grenade launcher to heal a weapon.

His kit contains many new mechanisms, including Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix, that work as never before. Baptiste hit the Public Test Realm (PTR) on February 26, which means that PC gamers can try it right now.

This shows how many players are frustrated with the current overwatch meta. However, despite the excitement of a new hero, the first question many people ask is how Baptiste will interact with the much-maligned composition of GOATS.

Blizzard Entertainment

GOATS has dominated the meta for several months now.

GOATS is a formation composed of three tanks and three assistants, named after the team Contenders who popularized it, and is at the forefront of the meta competitive for several months. During this period, he has been the subject of much criticism, both for the lack of diversity that his power promotes, and the fact that the composition itself, devoid of the typically more dazzling DPS heroes, is the one of the least interesting to play and watch.

In an interview with InvenGlobal, Overwatch's lead designer Geoff Goodman was asked about the possibility that since the Baptiste kit would seem to reward the remaining teams, adding it would further strengthen the GOATS meta.

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According to Goodman, however, Blizzard's tests with Baptiste seemed to suggest otherwise.

"We have done many internal tests on this product. We also thought a lot about how he could work in the GOATS lineup, and it turned out that Baptiste was not as strong as some would have thought. when using his ultimate, which is the biggest advantage of using Baptiste, seemed rather vague. In truth, Baptiste seemed to be fighting better against the GOATS comp. "

It remains to be seen whether this is true or not in the game in the broad sense, as no internal test can explain the creativity of millions of players, and at the professional level the disparity of skills compared to the best amateur players. it is very difficult to judge the evolution of things until the pros have got their hands on a new hero.

Nevertheless, the comments about Baptiste, as well as the series of other balance changes that have hit the PTR by his side, may give players hope that the reign of GOATS could finally be close to the end.


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