Bloodborne fan restores cut content with Vileblood Queen


Bloodborne historians have discovered and recreated new scenes with Annalize, Queen Vileblood showing unused lines of voice in the PS4 classic.

The historians of the Internet are far from having finished with Transported by blood, despite the game released almost half a decade ago on the PS4. In a new video, Transported by blood The master of the tradition, Lance McDonald, reconstructed hidden and unused lines of Queen Vileblood, potentially exposing a plot that never materialized.

As mentioned above, the news comes through souls dataminer series and From Software Scholar, Lance McDonald – a name that should be easily known to those who continue Transported by blood scene. In the video released yesterday, McDonald offers a thorough review of Queen Vileblood's original content and what has been cut:

If you have not played yet Transported by blood (What are you doing with yourself?), here is the quick little guide of Annalize, the vileblood queen. The NPC is in Castle Cainhurst after wearing the Crown of Illusions. The vileblood queen is the last descendant of the Vilebloods – a vampiric royal family with ancestry of dirty lineage.

As you can see at the beginning of the video, Queen Vileblood still plays an interesting role in Transported by blood. Wearing a royal tone, the queen vileblood does not represent any lack of respect; if you choose not to kneel for it, you will have to face harsh tones and shadows. However, those who bend the knee are able to swear an oath to the queen, joining the Vilebloods of Cainhurst.

Although all is well, previous data mining efforts have shown that there are unused dialogue options and, what is more interesting, a new actress. Cut it out with files from the alpha version of Transported by blood creates a new context and a totally different tone of the situation.

Starting at around 1:58, you can see the new dialog options. Note, the queen vileblood suddenly sounds more royal and much more sober. It is not only a change of tone, but also a change of voice: instead of using Jenny Funnell, who also expressed the name of Dr. Iosefka, Queen Vileblood was voiced by Evetta Muradasilova . Muradasilova also provided votes for The Plain Doll and Lady Maria of the Astral Tower Transported by blood.


This change of actress is not only aesthetic: McDonald establishes links between the lineage and the background of Dolls, Vileblood Queen and Cainhurst. So there is a decent amount of speculation about how all this is related.

Anyway, it's fascinating to see fans who take games strive to discover every detail of the game, including areas, dialogues, and components that have remained totally unused.

Apart from this discovery, Transported by blood Fans keep a bonfire for the game by separating old data, including finding an unused boss called Great One Beast or showing a similar sequence of Father Gascione as a companion NPC. Of course, others are flexing Transported by blood skills in different ways, including performing the hardest boss of the title to perfection or creating impressive do-it-yourself projects.

Transported by blood is available exclusively on PS4. If you missed the atmosphere souls-like the title, you can still recover it via Amazon.

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