Bloodborne Modder releases 60fps patch •


Famous modder Lance McDonald has released his Bloodborne patch which allows the game to run at 60fps on PlayStation 4.

In October 2020, McDonald’s said it would give Sony a chance to update From Software’s masterpiece to run at 60 fps first. That didn’t happen, so McDonald’s went ahead and released theirs.

Last year McDonald’s teamed up with Digital Foundry’s John Linneman to showcase his work Bloodborne, and the game looks amazing:

In an article on his Patreon, McDonald said the patch needs to be applied to Bloodborne v1.09 (the latest update) to work. If this is done, the game will run at 60 fps and possibly reduce the render resolution to 1280×720.

Obviously, in order to use the McDonald’s patch, you need a way to run unsigned code on a PS4.

Sony has so far shown no interest in updating Bloodborne to run at 60 fps on PS4, or has indicated plans to release a PlayStation 5 update for the game. McDonald’s unofficial fix will have to do forever.


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