Blue Origin postpones William Shatner’s space flight to October 13


You will have to wait a little longer to see Star Trek actor William Shatner heads to space. Blue Origin has deferred Shatner launch aboard the NS-18 within a day until October 13 at 9:30 a.m. EST following forecasts of strong winds in West Texas. Bad weather was the “only blocking factor,” Blue Origin said in a statement, noting that passengers began training today (October 10).

Shatner’s Theft is a publicity take on several levels. It’s no secret that Jeff Bezos’ outfit is eager for Captain Kirk to reach space, but Shatner will also be the oldest person to have made such a trip at 90. The previous record holder, aviation legend Wally Funk, traveled on a Blue Origin flight at the age of 82. Other passengers include Audrey Powers, vice president of the Blue Origin mission, and two business executives, Chris Boshuizen of Planet Labs and Glen de Vries of Medidata.

The timing is not great beyond the weather. The take-off will come just weeks after an essay described a “toxic environment” at Blue Origin, including an alleged reluctance to deal with sexual harassment as well as a poor attitude towards safety, the environment and internal criticism. basic. Shatner’s robbery could create a positive buzz, but it could also mask issues in Blue Origin’s ranks.

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