Bohemian Rhapsody Suite in the works? Probably not – / Movie


following bohemian rhapsody

Update: We reached out to Graham King, the producer who has spent years inaugurating Bohemian Rhapsody on the big screen, to ask questions about the validity of this statement on a sequel. His publicist tells us that it is not true. Our original article continues.

This story goes around, so it's our job to let you know it even if Probably a band of bull. A music video director Queen recently said that a Bohemian Rhapsody the suite was Probably in the works. I suppose there is a way to justify that if it's true: Bohemian Rhapsody was a huge success and even won some Oscars – including Best Actor. This is the type of hype that producers like to use. The problem is Bohemian Rhapsody concludes more or less at the end of Freddie Mercury's life. But maybe, just maybe, if this next is goes on, that's how the rest of Queen continued after Mercury's death. The question is: would anyone want to look at this?

All right, let me take this forward: this story is (probably) bullshit. I am skeptical in nature, and that makes my inner skeptic backflips. Page Six has a quote from Rudi Dolezal, a music video director of the queen who was friends with Freddie Mercury, said: [Queen’s manager Jim Beach] is planning a sequel that starts with Live Aid. Dolezal adds that a suite is "the subject of intense discussion within the Queen family".

Could it be even slightly true? Dolezal has a Queen connection, but he does not seem exactly in the loop. He is not a member of the group and has no insider knowledge of Bohemian Rhapsody production. In short, this suggests that Dolezal has reported a rumor that he might have understood it somewhere. But let's say it's 100% accurate. 20th Century Fox greenlight would it be a sequel?

Skeptical as I am, I would not be totally surprised if Fox made say yes to the idea. After all, Bohemian Rhapsody was a major success, earning a total box office of about $ 869.5 million. It is serious money, and if there is one thing that the studios like more than the artistic merit, that 's to make this bass drum. Let's continue, then, are we going? Suppose Queen's members actually talk about a sequel. That would not be surprising either. The surviving members of Queen were very involved in the creation of Bohemian Rhapsodyand it is clear that they liked the attention that the film brought back to the band. Although Freddie Mercury is no longer with us, Queen is still a group that gives concerts – they are even about to start a new tour. For them, a sequel would be even more publicity for the group.

Which brings us to the next question: what the heck would a Bohemian Rhapsody next be it about? While Freddie Mercury, as played by Rami Malek, does not die on the screen in the first film, the film gives the impression of representing the last days of Mercury. Here I must add that Bohemian Rhapsody quickly played with the facts and shifted the times of certain events to achieve a dramatic effect. Bohemian Rhapsody concludes that the Live Aid concert is being treated as one of the last things Mercury did after learning he had AIDS. In real life, Mercury did not learn that he had AIDS until nearly two years after the Live Aid show. In any case, Bohemian Rhapsody ends with a title card highlighting the details of Mercury's death.

With Mercury dead, how does a Bohemian Rhapsody following work? As I said earlier, the band is still touring, with Adam Lambert as the new singer. Perhaps, perhaps, this potential sequel would concern how the group got up and continued after Mercury's death. But is that what everyone wants to see? The big prints of Bohemian Rhapsody were the music and the performance of Malek as Mercury. If you remove Mercury's unbeatable voice in real life, and (probably) from Malek, what can you take advantage of? No offense to the surviving members of Queen, or Adam Lambert, but I sincerely doubt that anyone wants to see a movie about them without Freddie Mercury.

It does not matter, because, as I said at the beginning, this story is bullshit.

Unless this is not the case.

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