Boone Pickens' Ranch Listed for $ 250 Million


The legendary tanker T. Boone Pickens died Wednesday at the age of 91, which sparked renewed interest in his Mesa Vista ranch, whose first sale took place in 2017.

The 65,000-acre ranch near Pampa, Texas, has a asking price of $ 250 million.

Pickens built the ranch from a 3,000-acre parcel of land, first acquired in the 1970s. He then expanded his activities to his two favorite hobbies: hunting and golf. When his condition began to deteriorate two years ago, he listed the property in the hope of finding the right buyer and ensuring that the property is preserved.

The ranch has swamps and nesting areas created to form some of the world's best quail hunts, and the ranch also has a two-storey stone kennel that can accommodate 40 bird-dogs.

Spread over 100 square miles in the Texas Panhandle, the main lodge of Mesa Vista Ranch is over 30,000 square feet and features carved wood paneling. shimmering chandeliers and walls covered with American art. The dining room seats 40 people and the 30-seat home theater has its own separate popcorn room.

The property has its own airport with a 6000-foot runway and a small terminal that can accommodate pilots.

The sale of the Mesa Vista ranch is essentially "turnkey", with all the rolling stock, equipment, vans, hunting vehicles, farm equipment, furniture, watchdogs, etc. The only exclusions are Boone's belongings, cattle, and extensive art. collection. Livestock is available to be purchased separately, as is most of the art collection.

The Mesa Vista Ranch is offered by Hall & Hall jointly and exclusively with Chas. S. Middleton and Son.


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