Border policeman injured in traffic in Texas stops firing


A A border policeman was injured in a shootout while he was conducting a traffic check in Texas, authorities said Saturday, adding that another officer had shot the suspect.

According to the Customs and Border Protection Service, two agents and a deputy from the Kinney County Sheriff intercepted a vehicle near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday night. When the traffic was interrupted, a vehicle passenger fired on the agents, injuring one of them. The second officer killed the gunman by firing back.

CBP later identified the deceased passenger as a 25-year-old man, while the driver was a 32-year-old female, two US citizens. The driver's vehicle was stopped.

The injured officer was taken to a nearby hospital with injuries that did not put his life in danger. Neither the other officer nor the sheriff's NCO were injured.

The FBI, Texas Rangers and CBP's Office of Professional Liability are all investigating this incident.

The Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, expressed his condolences in a tweet on Saturday, in which he wrote: "The Border Patrol Officers are doing their duty every day, despite the dangers." My prayers go to the officers involved and their families. . "


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