Borderlands 3 Best Character Builds: Which starting class should you choose?


Borderlands 3 Perhaps it's about bringing together the largest selection in the universe, made up of over a billion weapons, but without the best character build to save, you might as well pack a pea shooter.

Although Borderlands 3 is best played with a team of cooperative friends so that you can build a group that covers the strengths and weaknesses of each, your starting class still defines a lot of your experience, so it's important to choose the best for you. .

Borderlands 3 is the latest entry in Gearbox Software's OG shooters series. It follows a brand new group of safe hunters looking for a whole new set of safes. Judging by the life of the Borderlands 2 evergreen series – which received a new lease of life from Commander Lilith DLC earlier this year – it could well be one of the biggest games of 2019, despite a persistent controversy.

As in previous games, Vanilla Borderlands 3 offers four classes:

  • Mermaid – Amara
  • Gunner – Moze
  • Agent – Zane
  • Beastmaster – Fl4k

If you want to play and create your own build before playing, Gearbox has released a fun tool on its official website, allowing you to assign skill points to each character's tree that appears in the final game.

Borderlands 2 Characters

The Borderlands 3 skill trees can be divided into three parts (four if you are Fl4k): action skills, skill upgrades, passive abilities and Beastmaster pets.

Each character has three skill trees, each with a different emphasis. You advance each skill tree using the skill points you earn at each higher level and you can either group all your points into a specialized set or split them together.

Personally, I enjoy working on a specific action skill at the end of the game and then gaining all the passive skills of universal utility, such as improvements in gunshot wounds.

More and more action skills are unlocked as you progress with your character. Improved versions of your basic skill appear when you spend more skill points. So plan ahead and build towards what you like about the look.

Each character has different configurations of skills and abilities. It is therefore a choice of major game style that you will have to make when choosing a starting character class.

Character class Action Skills Increase locations Special pitches
Mermaid 1 1 Prime location of elemental damage
Gunner 2 2 No
operative 2 4 No
Beastmaster 1 2 Company companion

Do you like to manage several skills and abilities that you can improve in different ways? Choose Operative.

Do you like having a choice of skills, but you do not want to worry about finding yourself in different raises? Choose gunner.

How about keeping things simple and choosing a powerful skill and reinforcement that you use all the time? Choose Siren.

Or do you want a small pet assistant who is in synergy with the rest of your skills? Choose Beastmaster.

Borderlands 3 Siren Builds

The Siren is the only class to feature in the three main Borderlands series to date. Typically, it is the group's space magic users, who use ethereal telekinesis capabilities to manipulate and disadvantage their enemies.

However, in Borderlands 3, Amara has a little more offensive prowess than Lilith or Maya in previous games. His action skills are based on zoning, either by inflicting damage to everything in a specific space, or by blocking one or more groups of villains.

The title Action Skill of Mystical Assault is Phasecast, where Amara sends an astral projection of herself that deals damage to everything in her path. Increases and additional action skills in this tree are mainly related to increasing the power of this movement: have him heal Amara, phaselock's enemies who are damaged by it instead, or whose enemies vanquished by him explode.

The passive avatar at the end of the tree allows you to spam this ability more than once every 30 seconds. So it's the class to choose from if you want a flashy special to be the cornerstone of your offensive strategy.

Mystical Assault also offers good utilities that increase shooting speed, reloading speed and weapon swap speed, the latter being of paramount importance at Borderlands.

In addition, this tree has the "Rush" stacking mechanism, which accumulates and gives improvements to Amara over time.

This seems to be a solid and versatile choice to make the most of your siren construction.

Brawl is a very good tanking skill tree, which could be good for solo players who want to absorb damage and not rely on their teammates to heal.

The Skill action phase begins with the siren theme of hitting the enemy's movements by throwing him into the air. This can be further improved to entice enemies to attack their allies at the cost of reduced damage and a slower cooldown.

The fight then focuses on the melee with passive abilities that dampen its damage, increase your maximum health and improve your shield's ability as you approach and take damage.

The passive Blitz, which allows you to hit in close combat while targeting the Amara, pushes Amara even further in that direction. If you kill an enemy with this attack, there is no cooldown.

If you play near and close, but you like the idea of ​​mobility and elemental damage, this tree might suit you. Make sure to capture important liabilities such as Root to Raise, Clarity, Help Hands and Find Your Center.

Fist of the Elements, by contrast, is a bit of a mix of the two previous ones. This involves fist-based giant action skills that keep enemies in place, but focus on increasing weapon damage as well as melee damage with their liabilities.

Personally, I think it makes a good foil for one of the other trees. You can take the decent full liabilities that appear early in the tree, without worrying about the more specific ones.

In addition, the fire damage tends to be good and you can change the damage element of Amara by investing in this tree.

In addition, the singularity increase can be used to further increase the zoning capabilities of better skills.

Borderlands 3 Gunner builds

In his Action Skills slots, Moze has powerful weapons. In the Demolition Woman tree, it's the V-35 grenade launcher.

For this reason, this tree is very much based on the smoothing of splash damage, which makes it quite specialized but excellent for crowd control.

Once upgraded, you can trade the Launcher Action skill against a group of explosive rockets that you can charge faster. If you want to inflict a lot of damage on many enemies without much use, it's your tree.

You can, however, get an increase that improves direct hits if you want damage to a single target.

The Shield of the Vengeance tree is best described as a set of support tank skills, with access to a long-range Railgun and Bear Fist.

His main aims are to increase the Moze Iron Bear's survival capacity with increased shields and resistance, but also to cool the shields of his allies and to make the damage done by their guns worse.

Shield of Retribution is not really for solo players because some of its effects will be wasted without allies, but the Bear Fist is hard to miss.

Bottomless Mags provides slightly different support: suppress fire. The heat-based Minigun Action Skill allows you to pump steady pressure wherever you are.

This is probably the best tree to combine with another because it contains a large number of universally applicable passives that will be useful to any style of play.

Things like Scrappy, Stoke the Embers and Rushin 'Offensive are quality upgrades, while Specialist Bear lets you equip two of your favorite Iron Bear weapons to increase its damage.

Borderlands 3 Operational Buildings

Zane probably has the greatest variability in his movement sets as he can equip the most different skill sets and increases. However, he only has one action skill per tree. You will need to invest simultaneously to use several.

The first is Digi-clone, which sends a lure to distract the enemy. You can improve this skill to heal Zane at the pinch or explode at the expiration. This is probably the best for personal survival, and is very specialized, with many passers also granting bonuses to his Clone.

That said, it's probably best to try to maximize this tree if you want to use it, in order to get the full benefit of all the liabilities.

Rather than a digital clone, the Hitman tree sends an automated drone that attacks enemies.

The difference with the previous tree is that Hitman has a ton of universally useful liabilities and "death skills" that activate when he slays an enemy. These allow for example to increase the speed of movement, the damage of his weapon and his reloading speed, or to give his weapons a leech effect.

This makes it an excellent tree to combine with another.

Under Cover is the most defensive of the three trees. The main ability is Barrier, which summons a shield on which your entire team can hide or shoot through.

Although this is more useful in multiplayer scenarios, it might also be helpful, solo, to relieve your character if you are assaulted.

The remainder of the liabilities increase Zane's ability to survive by performing useful actions, such as increasing the number of shields, improving health under certain conditions, or improving his health.

If support and survivability are required, the Under Cover option is a wise choice.

Borderlands 3 Beastmaster Builds

Beastmaster is the most unique of the four classes, since you have the choice between small mortal aids to fight with you.

You choose an animal, different for each tree, then you build your set with an action skill and two raises.

The Stalker tree's pet is Jabber, who owns a gun and improves your speed of movement.

This is a good tree for solo players because you can switch to a liability that allows your pet to revive you during Fight For Your Life.

The rest of the tree aims to stay healthy and stay healthy, with significant amounts of health regeneration and firearm damage mitigation, and a speed of movement greater than half the time. your health.

His title Action Skill is cool too. Fade Away allows you to turn on invisible and trigger three critical hits. It's powerful with single shot weapons like sniper rifles, if you choose this style.

The Hunter Tree gives you a Spiderant Centurion that constantly regenerates your health as a pet and has an interesting range of liabilities.

Many of them are pretty situational, like polishing when you kill a tough guy or a more powerful enemy. But this is counterbalanced by strong action skills and increases that strongly reinforce your skill of action – which projects Rakks on the enemy – and your pet.

If you want an eclectic style of play that really shines in certain situations against particular enemies, this is the tree in which to invest.

Finally, the Master tree cradles a Guard Skag pet that increases the basic damage of Fl4k. However, it is probably the best tree to team up with one of the others because it contains powerful liabilities that you can access quickly.

Ferocity and Persistence Hunter are very strong, as are He Bites and Psycho Head on a Stick.

If you want more control over your pet, it may be worthwhile to check out the Gamma Burst action skills that allow you to better control its location, as well as powerful buffs via raises.


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