Borderlands 3 Character Guide: Tips For Choosing The Best Safe Hunter For You


One of the most critical choices you will make in a Borderlands game is to pick your Vault Hunter. Fortunately, all Vault Hunter 3 Borderlands are very fun and you can not go wrong by playing them. That said, they are designed differently depending on the playing styles. So it is worth knowing a little bit about how they play before starting the game. In the article below, you can find an overview to help you determine which Vault Hunter is right for you.

We hope you find what we have detailed useful to help you decide which character you want to play first. For more Borderlands 3 features, check out our Beginner's Guide and our gallery showcasing all the craziest weapons. We will also update this feature in the coming days with links to stand-alone guides on each Vault Hunter. So be sure to check often. And if you have not done so already, read our review of Borderlands 3.

Amara (The Elemental Brawl Siren)

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If you enjoyed playing in Brick in Borderlands and in Kreig in Borderlands 2, you will probably appreciate Amara because she is the mermaid equivalent of those two people together. Although she has some support and defensive abilities, Amara is almost entirely offensive centered and at its best when she is in the middle of a fight, hitting bandits with her fists and crushing soldiers with his elemental arms. If you want to be aggressive, like All the time, so you want to choose Amara.

Each of Amara's three active skills is designed to bring her to the face of an opponent as quickly as possible. Many of them can be associated with secondary benefits to help Amara in close combat – for example, by keeping her elemental arms at bay to divert the bullets or to extend the range and power of her melee attack. She never wants to leave the fight.

As an Amara, you always charge forward because its attack power increases when it gets closer to the enemy. So, if you choose Amara, you will always want to be surrounded. Playing it requires a good knowledge of the space – there is a lot to consider when multiple enemies hit you in more than one direction. Hunting rifles and short-range guns are your best friends. If you like throwing grenades and firing at distant enemies, Amara is do not for you.

Amara is a little more difficult to use than her fellow vault hunters, as she insists that her opponent be overwhelmed by elemental damage close together. Some enemies and bosses at the end of the game can fly or have strong resistance to the elements, which disadvantage Amara. You may not want to choose it for your first game if it is your first game at Borderlands. But if you think the guns are stupid and you prefer to kill all the enemies to death, look no further than Amara.

Zane (The maniac of the throwing of grenades, with a drone)

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Zane is a delusional character and a pomegranate maniac. Unlike other safe hunters, it can use two active skills at once – although there is no reason to do so at the very beginning of your game because of the second skill replacing grenades. Part of what makes Zane such a powerful hit-and-run tactician is his potential to blow everything up in the immediate area and then teleport instantly. This power comes from its Digi-Clone ability.

The Digi-Clone is one of Zane's active skills in his Double Agent skill tree that allows him to call a fixed copy of himself. Zane can at any time swap space with the clone and even use the clone to reconnect with the "Fight for Your Life" state. The clone can be used creatively to bind a battlefield, retreat to reload or just to distract a shot.

As Zane progresses in his Double Agent tree, several abilities begin to increase his explosive power. For example, Fractal Frags where the clone throws a copy of your grenade, Duct Tape Mod where Zane will randomly fire a grenade, and Dobblebanger where the clone explodes at the end of the countdown. Combining these abilities with a grenade with the MIRV trait, which splits into multiple ammunition, can be destructive in a satisfactory manner. However, the biggest threat to Zane is himself. It is essential to retreat from an area covered with grenades leaving the Digi-Clone behind.

If you want a completely different Zane – one who posts behind a fence and sends a drone to hunt enemies under cover – then his other two active skills, Barrier and SNTNL, make it less built solo and more like support. team player. You can even pick up and move with his shield.

The last thing to know about Zane is that he's a pretty funny guy and recognizes his age. He has wheezing if you run for a while and often indicates that he would rather be drinking in a bar elsewhere. If you are looking for a smarter and more deadly character with age, then Zane is your Vault Hunter.

Moze (The soldier looking for a mechanical fight)

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Moze is perfect for newcomers to the series and highly recommended for those with an itchy trigger finger. Alone, she does not have a lot of fighting abilities, but when you jump into her Iron Bear machinery, a world of possibilities opens up to you.

The Iron Bear is only available for a limited time, but its short duration allows it to eliminate entire rooms from enemies. It starts with three weapons: the V35 grenade launcher, the Minigun and the Railgun, but this arsenal grows by investing in each of the three Moze skill trees – opening up options to equip other types of firepower. like a flamethrower and a rocket. And everyone can also be personalized with skills that change their abilities.

The Iron Bear can be used in different strategic ways: you can summon it frequently to rain an eternal hell on your enemies, or you can keep it as your ace in the hole during boss battles or shots south. Heck, you can take both approaches; it's up to you! Moze can also be useful as a tank (conceptual and literal) for other players. After all, the Iron Bear is an almost invincible wall that can quickly fire the enemy aggression of his teammates.

None of this means that Moze is not as capable outside the mech. In fact, she is also deadly on foot. His skill tree contains many bonuses that boost his abilities, such as improved reloading speed, additional fire damage, and increased shield strength. Many of Moze's skills maximize her ability to inflict damage as aggressively as possible while occasionally improving her teammates and even allowing them to climb aboard the Iron Bear's inhabited turret.

As a Moze, you alternate between eliminating enemies on foot and destroying them with the Iron Bear. He is a character that is both agile, adaptable and evolving, the most important of which is accumulating a multitude of damage in a short time and relieving his friends.

In many ways, Moze is essentially a Titanfall pilot without a running wall. So, if it does not make you want to play in it, then we do not know what's going on.

FL4K (the long-distance beast tamer)

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Each Vault Hunter is perfectly viable for solo play, but FL4K is designed to work on their own. Instead of being real friends, you can tell the difference with any of FL4K's three pets. Not only do their victims count for a second chance if you are shot, but you can eventually invest in a passive skill that will allow them to revive you. Each animal behaves differently and can be exchanged at any time, which allows many experiments.

The Master Tree is about boasting pets, but even if you do not specify this tree, it's essential to understand that FL4K pets are a crucial part of their playing style and if you do not use them all the time, you do not take full advantage of what FL4K can do.

There are many aspects of former Vault Mordecai and Zero hunters present in other FL4K skill trees. "Fade Away" allows you to become invisible for a short time and "Rakk Attack!" Throw a group of Rakk to attack the enemies. So yes, if you liked these characters, FL4K will be familiar to you. And like these characters, FL4K is best suited for long-range snipers. Their hunter skill tree aims to increase the damage of critics. So, if you like to play remotely, use sniper rifles and receive bullets in your head, the FL4K is for you! Jakobs pistols, which relate to precision bolt action damage, will be your best friends.

FL4K will work better for the players who manage their pets, as well as their skills, to team up on enemies and fight them together. They may not be as visually visually as other Vault hunters, but make no mistake: in the hands of an experienced player, the FL4K, they can inflict serious damage.

Our only warning to choose FL4K is that their pets tend to walk in front of you during important emotional moments with the characters, which can be annoying.


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