Borderlands 3: characters, first trailer, impressions and what we know


After many teasers and subtle mistakes over the years, the developer Gearbox finally lifted the veil on Borderlands 3. The game was unveiled in front of the panel of the developer PAX East, which encountered as many difficulties as technical difficulties. Despite everything, the first big trailer of the game has sparked a lot of enthusiasm and many questions. If you have not already watched it, be sure to check it in the player above.

To keep you up-to-date on Borderlands 3, we've put together all the latest news, features, impressions, trailers and details we know about the game. Be sure to check back regularly when we update this article with even more new information on this highly anticipated shooter.

What is Borderlands 3?

Borderlands 3 is the third highly anticipated game of the famous Borderlands franchise, a series whose mechanics and conventions preceded many of the best-known looters, such as Destiny and The Division. As in previous games, it seems that you play as one of four mercenaries in search of treasures, known as Vault Hunters. You will explore the world and complete missions that will contribute to the evolution of your skills and the acquisition of new guns and equipment. The series is mainly known for its number of pistols available; Borderlands 3 states that there are more than a billion weapons to collect, some of which are able to walk and act autonomously compared to their users.

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Little is known about the general history of Borderlands 3; However, glimpses of several returning characters and a set of new villains called the Calypso Twins seem to create a much larger conflict than previous games – as indicated by the variety of new planets, it seems that you are visiting this time.

Release date

The release date of Borderlands 3 has not been confirmed yet. More details are expected on the game on April 3, but it is unclear if we will hear a release date during this period. However, we have reason to believe that the game will be released in the next year. Coinciding with the other news of the franchise she was to share, Gearbox nicknamed 2019 the Year of Borders, which could suggest that Borderlands 3 will be released this year. Beyond that, Take Two has repeatedly referred to a much-awaited sequel to a 2K franchise in previous earnings reports. It was thought that this game called Borderlands 3, which – it is true – means that its release is scheduled between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

Playable Character Classes

The first trailer features some familiar faces from the series' past, but the focus is on a group of four new characters in the screenshot above, which are probably the trunk hunters that you will be able to control. Currently, it is difficult to know which specific classes they match or even what their names are.

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Borderlands games tend to combine traditional shooter-RPG archetypes such as Berserker, Hunter and Soldier. However, it is also known that the series uses several unexpected classes that combine various interesting skills and abilities. This tradition seems to continue with one of the women Vault Hunters, a mermaid that highlights a skill that invokes multiple ethereal weapons, perhaps evoking its more melee-centered character.

We had a brief overview of the other three that give details of what they are. The robot seems to have a Skag pet that follows him everywhere, the gray-haired old man seems to be able to create idiots, and the helmeted girl has a robot similar to that of D.Va in which she can jump.

Confirmed returned characters

As noted, many of the characters in the series return to Borderlands 3, which features characters from Borderlands 1, Borderlands 2, and tales from Borderlands Tales. Despite not appearing in the first trailer, Gearbox said Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel characters will also appear. You will find below the characters that have already been confirmed

  • Brick
  • spiel
  • Ellie
  • Lady Aurelia
  • Lillith
  • Marcus
  • Maya
  • Mordecai
  • Moxxi
  • Rhys
  • Sir Hammerlock
  • Tannis
  • Little tina
  • Zero

First impressions of the trailer

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After watching the first trailer, we had a lot of thoughts on how the game seems to take shape. Check out our breakdown of the trailer and what we think about getting a new Borderlands game in the video above.


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