Borderlands 3 classes list, best classes built and how to explain the respective classes •


Borderlands 3 classes brings four new Arch fighters in the crazy world of Pandora, everyone with their own styles of play.

After choosing the best class for you, it's time to get the most out of it with the best class built to aim.

And, although there is ultimately no wrong choice, but if you regret having placed points in the wrong skill, then how respec in Borderlands 3 will become useful.

Borderlands 3 classes explained, and what is the best class choice for you?

In Borderlands 3, each jumping hunter – or class – has his own style of play, consisting of their three skill trees and various skill sets. It's worth exploring what each Vault Hunter has to offer before you start playing Borderlands 3 to make sure you make the decision that's right for you.

Here are each class of Borderlands 3 and its skill tree in detail:


The best class does not exist: it all depends on your style of play and your experience. We will go into more detail in their respective best construction sections, but we recommend:

  • For beginners, we suggest Moze and Zane. Both have skill trees dedicated to improving their shields, thus providing the extra protection you need in the toughest fights.
  • For returning players, we recommend Amara and Fl4k. Amara is focused on dealing with large amounts of damage by skillfully using her melee attacks and her variety of skill sets. Since Borderlands is a very focused series on gun damage, you need to have a good understanding of game mechanics to be able to use those abilities properly. Fl4k, meanwhile, brings a whole new style of play to the Borderlands series with his pets. To be a successful Fl4k player, you must be able to balance Fl4k and that of your pet.
  • For solo playersWe think that Moze is the best character for the solo game. Thanks to its mix of passive offensive and defensive abilities, it is very easy to build a strong character.

Are you still undecided or have made a decision and want to know more about the best versions for a particular character? Read the following sections for specific construction recommendations …

Borderlands 3 Best Amara Construction Recommendations

What do you need to know about Amara?


Amara's skill trees revolve around different supernatural mermaids, powers. Each one will allow you to attack your enemies in different ways.

Amara is focused on dealing with large amounts of damage by skillfully using her melee attacks and her variety of skill sets. Since Borderlands is a very focused series on gun damage, you need to have a good understanding of game mechanics to be able to use those abilities properly.

Amara can only equip one skill, one effect and one skill element. While this may seem like a lot, it will actually force you to be much more selective in your choices as you navigate your skill tree.

To take full advantage of Amara's capabilities, you must not only fully understand the Borderlands combat system, but also, possibly, a detailed knowledge of Borderlands 3.

Best Amara built

First, we recommend reading about Amara's skill trees to familiarize yourself with their many abilities and powers.

If you want to give priority to the scrum, then Arekkz shock fight construction allows you to inflict a lot of damage from near and personal. This puts the focus on the battle tree, and allows you to maximize likes such as personal space, the root of the rise, misfortune, find your center and the full awareness to ensure a balance between survivability and blunt damage:

Likewise, our own video team recommends a Rush Build who uses more the Mystical Assault and Fist Elemental skill trees to prioritize rush piles.

Borderlands 3 best Fl4k build recommendations

What do you need to know about Fl4k?


Fl4k the Beastmaster is a wandering robot accompanied by his collection of monstrous animals. These are the animals that make Fl4k stand out from the rest of the Cavaliers in Borderlands 3, because you can have one that accompanies you at any time.

Each animal will attack your enemies in a different way and will provide a variety of different bonuses to help Fl4k combat. The Jabber can shoot enemies with his pistol, while the Spiderant can charge large groups of enemies to cause damage. Finally, there is the Skag that will vomit acid on your enemies.

To be a good Fl4k player, you must be able to balance Fl4k with the animal of your choice. This means that you must remember to invest as many skill points in passive abilities that benefit Fl4k and their pet.

Privileging one over the other will prevent Fl4k from fully exploiting its potential and could put you in a deplorable situation if a battle turns sour.

The Fl4k pet can also help you create all-new strategies to combat fighting because you have to consider both their attacks and their health. You would not want your pet to die, is not it?

The best versions of Fl4k

First, we recommend that you read all of Fl4k's skill trees to familiarize yourself with their many abilities and powers.

Arekkz has a Stalker built which focuses more on the damage inflicted by Fl4k than on that of his pets, and uses – as you might have guessed – the Stalker tree, to maximize the effects of Fade Away, Furious Attack, Overclocked and Impatient to impress, with special attention to Interplanetary Stalker, Ambush Handler and more that offer stacking bonuses:

You do not want to? Our own video team recommends a heavy construction of animals which focuses primarily on Stalker and Master Skill trees to improve the health, damage and strength of your pets.

Borderlands 3 best construction recommendations from Moze

What do you need to know about Moze?


Moze the Gunner is a former soldier of Vladof and is accompanied by his chariot, Iron Bear.

Moze's skill trees have two main goals: to customize Iron Bear with various weapons and to help Moze cause as much pain as possible.

Iron Bear can have two different weapons at once, which means that Moze has two different action skills.

Moze is also a good choice if you want to experiment with the new Action Skill system in Borderlands 3. Since you can equip two action skills, Moze offers you the opportunity to experiment with different skills. until you find the perfect combination. .

Not only that, but Iron Bear is a fantastic way to fight both in easy and difficult battles. All different weapons are very effective against your enemies and there is also a selection of passive abilities that enhance Iron Bear.

Finally, it should be noted for fans of the series that Moze seems to have been partly inspired by Gaige's DLC Mechromancer for Borderlands 2, which was an excellent choice for solo players thanks to his Action Skill Deathtrap.

Best Moze built

First, we recommend reading the Moze Skill Tree to familiarize yourself with their many abilities and powers.

We really recommend the one from Arekkz splash damage Described as "absolutely foolish" and "broken in a good way", which combines a high level of damage with a good amount of survival so that you can continue to fight no matter what happens to you. He focuses mainly on the Demolition Woman tree and on Moze herself rather than on her chariot:

Meanwhile, our own video team recommends a Tediore Moze build which takes advantage of the matching game skill among other skills for a huge amount of fire damage.

Borderlands 3 Best Zane Construction Recommendations

What do you need to know about Zane?


Zane the Operative is a retired "hitman" who has plenty of gadgets to help him do his job.

You can have two Zane action skills equipped at once, with two action increases for each action. This makes Zane, among all new safe hunters, the most customizable.

Zane, in particular, is ideal for defense-oriented players because his skill tree, Under Cover, allows him to use the barrier of action skills, which, as his name indicates , allows you to create a protective barrier between you and your enemies.

The best constructions of Zane

First, we recommend you read Zane's skill trees to familiarize yourself with their many abilities and powers.

This is not because Zane has concentrated defense abilities that he will not be useful in attacking. Arekkz strong damage Zane build that balances the survivability, damage, mobility and grenade spam of your drone.

Likewise, our own video team recommends a & # 39; get out of my lawn & # 39;, a very heavy construction of highly dubbed agents that prioritizes your cloning and barrier skills, as well as the focus on freezing enemies to give you room for maneuver.

How do action skills work in Borderlands 3?

Each safe hunter has three different skill trees to choose from. These skill trees focus on different aspects of your choice of Vault Hunter; a skill tree can focus on elemental damage, while another improves your character's defenses.

When you choose a skill tree, you receive your first skill. It's a unique movement that will help you control the battlefield and destroy your enemies. However, it has a cooldown, so you can not abuse it.

By investing skill points in the skill tree you have chosen, you will be able to unlock new abilities. These included:

  • Skill Action – In Borderlands 3, you can unlock additional action skills in different skill trees.
  • Increase of skill of action – These will provide new features to your chosen action skill, such as different forms of elemental damage.
  • Element of competence of action – unique to Amara the mermaid, they change the cause of the elemental damage action skill
  • Action Skill Effect – Amara's version of the siren increases in skill skills
  • Kill the skill – bonuses that activate only once you have killed an enemy
  • Passive abilities – bonuses and abilities that you receive while fighting and that do not require any requirement

You receive skill points by completing the Missions and Side Missions plot that you will find throughout the galaxy.

Each Vault Hunter can equip a different number of action skills and additional skills. This gives you a lot of opportunities to customize your Vault Hunter and experiment with your style of play.

Borderlands 3 is here! Amara, Fl4k, Moze and Zane. We also have guides on the best class constructions and arms manufacturers waiting for your business. If you want easy rewards, check out our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes and VIP Codes page.

How to meet your skill points in Borderlands 3

Like previous Borderlands games, you can meet your skill points and skill trees by visiting a quick change station.

Once you are at the closest quick change, you will easily find the graduation option at the bottom of the station's menu.

The fast change station on the shrine.

The respective cost in Borderlands 3 depends on your level and the amount of skill points you have used. When we were at level 14, for example, our cost in Respec was $ 664.

You can find fast change stations throughout the Borderlands universe, but the easiest station to reach is Sanctuary. It is only two steps from the starting point.


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