Borderlands 3 Could Not Add New DLC Characters – Game Rant


the Borderlands The series has a long history of DLC products, with new story / mission campaigns and new characters. But Borderlands 3 Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox Software, may do something different.

When asked about Borderlands 3Pitchford explains that, based on his team's analysis of player data, the best approach is to offer more options to existing characters rather than new DLC characters. Pitchford then suggests that the Borderlands 3 DLCs could add new capabilities to the Zane and Amara skill trees.

Of course, this is not an absolute confirmation that Borderlands 3 will not offer DLC characters, but it seems that this is the direction taken by Gearbox Software. Fans quickly pointed out that some of their favorite characters had been added to Borderlands 2 after the release of the game, the developer may miss an opportunity to bring players. Krieg was an example often cited by fans.

On the other hand, the approach makes sense. Many players tend to invest in one character around the world. Borderlands history campaign and try none of the others. Moreover, it is unlikely that everyone will move to a completely new character after the additional editions of the DLC. For the most dedicated Borderlands For fans, it's a whole new way to discover the content, but for others, it's about browsing the same content in a slightly different setting.

Even Gearbox seems to believe that abilities can be used to differentiate the same "version" of a character. Considering the past Borderlands the characters all had similar abilities because of their skill trees, Borderlands 3 requires the player to make choices, which can lead to a situation where the same characters are completely different according to their specifications. Two Zanes can offer two different styles of play to the coop group in Borderlands 3.

Gearbox can balance things, for example by offering a character level boost with new content, but it's still a discussion for later. Maybe if enough Borderlands The fans are vocal enough, Gearbox could decide to do a little bit of both: add new DLC characters and new abilities to the existing characters.

Borderlands 3 Released on September 13, 2019 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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