Borderlands 3 Cross-Play Could (Maybe) Happen


Although this has not been confirmed, 2K has announced that the crossover game could be a possibility for Borderlands 3. The next sequel to one of the studio's most popular franchises is expected to be launched on Xbox One, PS4 and the PC. September 13th. The PC version will initially be exclusively reserved for Epic Games Store, before being also published on Steam in April 2020.

When asked about the crossover game, a 2K spokesperson told GameSpot: "Cross play is something we are looking at closely, but we have nothing to confirm or announce yet." Borderlands 3 cross-support was apparently announced when the game listing published in the Microsoft Store announced functionality in the Capabilities section of the game. However, cross-game support has since been removed from the list of stores. .

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Gearbox has released a new trailer (which can be seen above) for Borderlands 3, which more closely introduces four new playable Vault hunters. There is Moze the Gunner, who, similar to Gaige's Borderlands 2, uses a mechanical assistant to help him in combat. Iron Bear, Moze's companion, is a nasty giant who can be flown by Moze or one of his companions. Amara is a mermaid and, like Lilith and Maya before her, she can call upon powerful elemental energies to help her fight. Unlike support-oriented mermaids before her, Amara seems to be able to fend for herself as a more melee-based fighter.

Like Mordecai of Borderlands, FL4K the Beastmaster is a hunter-based hunt hunter. The FL4K can order pet-like animals, such as Skag and Spiderant, to help it, as well as its allies. Finally, Zane the Operator uses holographic decoys, similar to those of Zer0's Borderlands 2, to bring down his enemies. Unlike Zer0, Zane is equipped with some other high tech gadgets.

Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel added a new post after the launch of Vault Hunters, but Gearbox has not confirmed whether this would also be the case for Borderlands 3. However, the Collector's Edition of the Borderlands 3 Diamond Chest Box comes with five character lithographs as opposed to just four. Thus, like Gaige in Borderlands 2, it may be that a fifth unlisted Cavalry Hunter in Borderlands 3 is added to the game almost immediately after its release as a free secret pre-order bonus.


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