Borderlands 3 Endgame and Story Details of Downloadable Content Revealed – Game Rant


Borderlands 3 There are still a few months before the release of the game, but some fans are already thinking about the final content and post-launch support. And thanks to a recent interview with Borderlands 3 Chief Designer Matt Cox, we know more about what fans can expect to do in the game after completing the main quest series.

Speaking to VG 24/7, Cox revealed that Borderlands 3 will have special events and raids. Although this was not specified by Cox, he hinted that these special events and raids will eventually happen. Borderlands 3 for free, as he is sure to mention that the game will also have a premium DLC. In fact, Gearbox has four paid history extensions planned for Borderlands 3, although the content of these DLCs concerns all users.

From what we know up to now, it looks like Borderlands 3 provide a level of post-launch support similar to its predecessors for premium content, but should include more free events and more. Additional details on Borderlands 3 The content of the end of the game is not available at the moment, but fortunately, Cox has revealed when we can expect to learn more.

borderlands 3 end of match and history dlc

Cox said that more information about Borderlands 3 will come "around E3" in June. Neither Gearbox nor 2K Games are hosting a press conference at E3, and since Sony is completely ignoring the E3 2019, it's a safe bet that we'll see more of Borderlands 3 some capacity at the Microsoft press conference. Again, Gearbox can be right at the show and refrain from showing Borderlands 3 on stage at all.

While E3 should bring even more information on Borderlands 3we have already learned a lot about the game since its announcement to PAX. A Borderlands 3 The gameplay trailer gave us a first glimpse of some of his weapons, character abilities, vehicles, etc.

Borderlands 3 will be launched on September 13 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: VG 24/7


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