Borderlands 3 Gameplay Reveals: Everything We Learned


Gearbox gave Borderlands 3 some insights earlier this year, but the developer correctly unveiled the title as part of a big event revealing the gameplay on May 1st. The livestream of one hour allowed us to take a first look at the upcoming shooter. in action, as we get more information on its new playable characters / vault hunters, weapons, game rides and more.

You can watch the event again above. We will also follow our own Borderlands 3 gameplay (featuring the new Zane character, you can see Amara the Mermaid below) to give you an idea of ​​what to expect. We also had the opportunity to chat with Gearbox before the event and to try the game by ourselves. We have discovered that you can play solo without problems, which will be good news for some. (The local and online cooperative game is also supported, with the option to share the loot or not.) Gearbox's Randy Pitchford also noted that Borderlands 3 will not have any loot boxes, although that there are microtransactions in one form or another. The post-launch DLC has also been confirmed, but not with details.

New game details include the ability to squat and climb on the ledges; We also looked at some skill trees, as well as some of the new characters and their abilities. Gearbox also introduced the new villains of the game, the Calypso twins, and the way he brings (somehow) Handsome Jack back.

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Borderlands 3 is inspired by Titanfall, which is always a good point of comparison, and brings back Sirens, very important in the history of Borderlands 3 (which was not originally created on Pandora).

The release date of Borderlands 3 is set for September 13 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Stay tuned for better coverage of the game and watch the video below for a recap of highlights of what we learned at the event. The original story follows.

Gearbox offers the world another look at Borderlands 3. Today, the developer is hosting a great livestream reveal event on May 1st, which will feature the first video game of the next loot shot.

The flow of Borderlands 3 gameplay revelations will be broadcast on the official Borderlands website and on the Twitch channel. You can also login right here on GameSpot when the time comes and watch the stream above. Fans will also have the opportunity to win loot by watching Twitch streamers play via a new Echocast extension.

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Borderlands 3 Gameplay reveals the start times of the feed

Rumor had it that Borderlands 3 had existed for a long time, but Gearbox officially announced the title last month in a memorable presentation … from livestream at PAX East 2019. A few days later, the developer shared another game trailer He presented his cast – including his four new playable Vault hunters – and confirmed his release date: September 13, 2019.

The latest Borderlands 3 trailer also allowed us to take a first look at the antagonists of the game, the Calypso twins, and confirmed the return of a handful of characters. You can read more about the upcoming game in our summary of what we know about Borderlands 3.

Borderlands 3 comes on PS4, Xbox One and PC. However, players wishing to take it on the latter will have to do it from Epic Games Store, because the game will be reserved for the Epic shop until April 2020. This decision was however not accepted without controversy and the users started Browse the shelling of previous Borderlands games on Steam.


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