Borderlands 3 top developers step down


Several senior Gearbox Software developers who worked on “Borderlands 3” are leaving the company and will work together on a new independent project, Gearbox confirmed to Axios.

Why is this important: Lead Producer Christopher Brock, Lead Mission Designer Keith Schuler, and Art Director Scott Kester have been with the company for over a decade. Paul Sage served as the game’s creative director, alongside UX / Game Feel director Chris Strasz and lead artist Kevin Penrod. All are leaving.

  • News of their departure was announced internally about two weeks ago, with seven senior departures in total.
  • A source with direct knowledge tells Axios that almost all of the exiting developers were working on the same project currently in pre-production; Gearbox has already started moving new team members.

What they say : Gearbox Entertainment founder Randy Pitchford told Axios the group is leaving Gearbox “on the best possible terms.”

  • “Prior to their transition, the band were part of a pre-production crew that had not yet been announced and their departure will disrupt our current plans as little as possible,” Pitchford said.
  • The company is currently working on new projects involving Gearbox properties.
    • “Most of our attention at the moment is devoted to finishing ‘[Tiny Tina’s] Wonderlands, ”he said,“ which is on the right track. “
  • A source told Axios the releases represented the departure of some of the studio’s old guard, and said there was enthusiasm in the studio that “fresh blood is now going to lead the project that They left”.

The big picture: “Borderlands 3 “launched in 2019; departures years after its release would have given developers time to collect royalties on the game.

  • “Borderlands 3” co-writer Danny Homan left Gearbox in May, after six years, to join Respawn Entertainment as a senior writer.


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