Borderlands 3 will have a ping system – TheSixthAxis


Ping! This is a system that has existed for a long time in multiplayer games and was recently adopted with great success by Respawn's Apex Legends. It may be that Gearbox has found inspiration because the developer has confirmed that Borderlands 3 will also have a ping system that allows players to highlight weapons, enemies, and points. interest without having to talk to your co-op partners. That's not all that will be added to Borderlands 3 and Gearbox has given details on what to expect.

Regarding accessibility options, all controls will be re-enforced so that players can choose the best button layout, making the game compatible with the Xbox Adaptive controller. There will be visual options for players affected by color blindness, there will be automatic aiming options, headbobs can be switched, and closed captions will also be included. Free dueling for all will also be added, which means competitive multiplayer 1v1v1v1. The asynchronous multiplayer mode will also be present so players can play while waiting for other players to join.

If you like streaming, viewers can browse the loot and load of a streamer, giving them a chance to get loot. If certain conditions are met, Twitch viewers can generate events in a streamer's game. If you want to know more about Borderlands 3, you should read the overview of Miguel here.

He wrote in the preview: "Overall, Borderlands 3 announces it as a hellish package. The action and hoarding of the latest game only amplify, in addition to being complemented by new customization features and intriguing new online mechanisms. It's a long time, but with such a performance, I'm convinced that the wait for Borderlands 3 will be worth it. "

Source: press release


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