Borderlands 3 will support pre-loading on Epic Games Store after all


The situation is solved in no time

The Epic game store is pre-loaded for some games. It's good! But the first big exclusive wholesale after this announcement (Borderlands 3) would not do the cut for the service. It's bad! Now, unexpectedly, just before the launch of next week, it's going to work. That's good: I think!

Tim Sweeney, from Epic, went to Twitter to explain that, yes, Gearbox had succeeded ("congratulations to the Gearbox team for its extraordinary development effort to allow this"), and you can pre-load the game 48 hours before launch. The consoles have already been confirmed, now PC (read: the Epic Games Store for six months) is on this list.

Borderlands 3 will officially arrive on September 13, but Gearbox has provided a global launch explator for the exact hours. Hope that more games can make the difference for pre-loading Epic because it is ridiculous to have a basic functionality related to the case by case.

Tim Sweeney [Twitter]

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