Borderlands 3's new features create a rewarding loot game for solo players


Below are our impressions of Borderlands' many Border Border formula 3 changes, including their relationship with those who prefer to play their games themselves. If you are looking for our impressions of the changes in terms of the wider experience, watch the video above. To learn more, check out our list of new game features and an explanation of who his villains are, the Calypso twins.

Each of the main parts of Borderlands can be played solo or with a team, but Borderlands 3 is the first to really make the old style of play interesting. The latest entry in the Borderlands franchise gives you more control over the evolution of your Vault Hunter, allowing you to better build a character for a solo run in the campaign.

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As in Borderlands, Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, each Cavalry Hunter playable in Borderlands 3 has three skill trees, each with distinct abilities and benefits. It's really there that ends the similarities. In the first three games, each Vault Hunter first unlocked a single ability, and then the three skill trees were built from that ability. In Borderlands 2, for example, Maya the Siren unlocks the phase lock, which allows her to trap an enemy on the spot for several seconds. This skill can be used for defensive crowd control by unlocking its Motion skill tree, healing healing by choosing its Harmony tree, or inflicting offensive elemental damage with its Cataclysm tree.

Despite these three differences, however, it does not fundamentally change the way Maya plays. Since she still needs to unlock Phase Lock first, and since all her skills rely on that ability, Maya is essentially a support character. His Phase Lock can be used as a powerful damage dealer, but Maya's goal on the battlefield is not to change the movement of the most powerful opponents so that he can focus or more easily on the small fry. pool their resources to eliminate a central threat. Mordecai, Zer0, Lilith and all the other Vault Hunters from all Borderlands games we've encountered so far are falling into the same trap. All their trees are concentrated on a particular ability, they are all in a class and always have the strengths and weaknesses of such a class. It's great when you play in a team where everyone needs a role and teammates can explain any weaknesses you may have, but it also makes some chapel hunters much more difficult to play. if you play alone.

Borderlands 3 abandons this format and it's for the best. Instead of having a unique ability on which the three skill trees rest, Borderlands 3 Cavalry Hunters have three distinct abilities – one for each of their three trees – and a unique feature separating them from other characters. Thus, the three skill trees of each Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3 are built around different abilities, allowing everyone to have three distinct play styles.

"I am really proud [of] the fourth [Vault Hunters’] The trees – the way you configure them and what you do – are very, very different from what we were able to do in Borderlands 2, which was even a big step forward from what we did in Borderlands 1 ", narrative producer Gearbox manager Randy Varnell said."[Before] it was mostly a skill of action with just a few digital changes. "

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Amara, the playable siren in Borderlands 3, for example, can unlock Phasegrasp as an action skill in the Elemental Fist skill tree, which allows it to lock enemies in place , like Maya's Borderlands 2. The tree is also filled with many of the supporting powers Maya has. However, if you prefer, Amara can unlock Phaseslam in her Brawler skill tree, which makes her fall on her enemies with deadly force and leads her to the path of close combat. Finally, Amara can open Phasecast in her Mystic Assassin skill tree, which turns her into a long-range fighter capable of launching huge ranged elemental explosions.

The Vault Hunter skills trees in Borderlands 3 are so distinct, it is actually beneficial to unlock passive abilities in each of them. Borderlands 3 lets you create custom loads and switch between the active skills you have on the fly. So, if you are playing with Amara and you have equipped Phasegrasp, but you are about to enter a closed enemy base, you can switch to Phaseslam if you have both skills unlocked. Having multiple unlocked active skills also motivates you to gain abilities in their respective trees, which encourages you to create your own Vault Hunter. For example, you may want to use the destruction powers of Amara's Phasecast, but you do not want to be a glass cannon to unlock support and close combat liabilities in its other two trees. And since you can create your Vault Hunter to fill the role you want, choosing a character does not lock you into a specific style of play, which greatly facilitates the game on your own if you wish.

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"[Skill trees are] Varnell said, "I can say that Amara is a great example of what's pretty simple, I mean she's a mermaid, you can do more." She likes getting closer to the fight … So she's really great to start. "

Which does not mean that your choice of Vault Hunter is arbitrary. Far from there. The unique feature of each character means that you get very different experiences with each one. "If you watch Amara, Amara has extra skill for her elements," said Borderlands 3's game director Paul Sage. "And so [with her] you can decide which items will be changed. So each character has somehow this very special and unique thing. So, Amara has her skills that she can equip, she has increases that she can put in, then she has a basic change that she [can apply]. But, [the others] like Zane are very different.

"For Zane, you can [equip] said Varnell. So you need to think about how your skills in action can work together and how you increase them and how you specify them and get the most out of them. of that if you are going to give up the pomegranate game. What we found in our game tests is that Zane really, really likes the type of min-max people who want to get this advanced game …. [He’s] the numbers play in the end while Amara is both energetic and fun. "

When I played with Zane, for example, I equipped his Digi-Clone (a holographic lure that fires at enemies and Zane can change places with) and SNTNL (an automated drone that tracks and kills enemies) to create a character who has survived by constantly teleporting to the battlefield and picking his targets by hitting them from many sides at once.

"I think we're going to see a lot of interesting constructions, comparisons and play styles," continued Varnell. "I think [Borderlands 3] This is the coolest area we've done so far in terms of what you can do with construction and what you can do to find a different type of play style. And once you start to combine that with cooperative play, it goes crazy. "

Once you have decided to play cooperative games, Borderlands 3 will not punish you and your friends for being very different from previous Borderlands games. Enemies and loot are important when playing in a party. You no longer need to wait for your friends to get close to your level and no strength to follow them. You will each find the appropriate loot at your respective levels and the damage and damage done will be greater. High level players do not dominate and low level players are not overwritten.

Overall, from what we've seen, Borderlands 3 seems to be the first of its franchise to give solo players a chance to enjoy the game as they see fit and any pace. You are not punished if you play alone and if you even your friends, and you better master the evolving capabilities of your choice of Hunter Vault. We still have to wait to see the skill trees of Moze the Gunner and FL4K the Beastmaster before signing all Vault Hunters of Borderlands 3, but the first two have already confirmed that Gearbox 's next game changes the functionality of the game. skill tree of the series for the better.

Borderlands 3 is expected to be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on September 13th.


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