2BR – News – Vaccination warning for Lancashire parents


As schools break up for holidays, Lancashire parents have been warned to ensure that their children's immunizations are up to date following measles outbreaks in Europe

Parents still do not take thousands of young children for their measles, mumps and rubella vaccines .

This means that the area is below the level of vaccination that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) considers necessary to prevent measles outbreaks.

During fiscal year 2016-2017, 85% of Lancashire children aged five received both recommended doses of RMM

This means that 2,100 five-year-old children in the region had not been vaccinated. [19659003] The ECDC warns that areas in which less than 95% of the population is vaccinated run an increased risk of measles outbreak.

But only four EU countries have achieved this goal, with the UK in short supply.

Across the Northwest, only 90% of children had received both MMR injections before the age of five in 2016-17.

In the United Kingdom, 757 cases of measles have been reported up to now this year – almost triple the 274 cases reported throughout the entire year.

The Royal Co llege of Nursing (NCR) also advised teens who missed their jabs in the late 1990s to make sure they are up to date before traveling. Many missed the course of vaccination after scathing discredited stories about the links between the vaccine and the development of autism.

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