3 Zodiac Signs The Blood Moon of July 2018 will affect the most


We humans have had a busy summer this year. It was a busy season for a lot of cosmic energy, with two partial eclipses of the sun and a total lunar eclipse of the moon. These still announce a new energy in our lives and our decision making.

So, if you thought the cancer season was a doozy, hang on to your hats on July 27th. We will get a blood moon in the form of a total lunar eclipse, resulting in great, more angry states. And yes, the blood moon of July 2018 will affect some signs more than others.

We had a glimpse of the moons that bothered us this month when the new moon of July 12 partially overshadowed the Sun. As it happened during the cancer season, we were touched by a great desire for stability and comfort. But if the new moon of Cancer meant that we were much more sensitive, this moon of blood means we could feel a little more combative.

The moon of blood and the total lunar eclipse at the end of the month will last one hour and 23 minutes. He is also mainly influenced by Mars in retrograde. The moon and Mars will be conjoined in the same sign of Aquarius too – and these facts mean that the universe stirs our inner warrior and our penchant for pbadion, according to Astrology King


the strongest influence on the lunar eclipse and you will make you feel strong, bady and brave, "says the site." Your quick instincts and fighting spirit can be used to defend your home and family, but it will be difficult to control your strong emotions. If you start to feel irritable, impatient, bossy or mean, it's a signal you need. back off and try to relax. "

The particular signs will have more difficulty maintaining emotional control during the blood moon – especially Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo – read on to see how you can make the most of this season.



The Moon and Mars in retrograde both take possession of your sign.You are usually an eccentric, detached and carefree soul.But this season you may find yourself more eager to Choose a fight and feel more dramatic than usual.Your usual influences from the outer planet harden Mars, which creates a lot of inner tension for your sign.

Try to meditate during this time – this will help you to syndicate all those confused and unfortunate desires that you will probably experience during the moon



Mars strongly influences the moon of his ng, but it also happens that she's retrograde – which means she's backing into the zodiac sign. Considering that the moon is also shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius for the blood moon, you will feel these two great forces inspiring you to make a change. And you, Capricorn, do not like uprooting the habits you have established for success.

But this bloody moon season, try to practice the art of letting go and letting everything be. Your natural earth tendencies are controlling your environment, but this is not going to fly this month.



The moon and Mars being both in Aquarius means that they will be in front of your sign. But never fear – this blood moon affair is happening all the time as the sun is in Leo. It's your birthday season, so you'll inevitably feel energy coming. You can even begin to evaluate the impact you have on the world around you and be more eager to do something about it.

Luckily for you, Leo's are the zodiac makers – so enjoy the energy this month a positive change in your life that you might have expected the right time for ages. The cards are in your favor this month – enjoy the pbadionate energy waves and roll them up to your success!

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