Pam Eastlick, for Pacific Daily News USA NETWORK TODAY "HUI
Published 1:31 p.m. ChT 11 July 2018
Believe it or not, it's the sound made between Saturn and his Enceladus moon.
Starry Starry Night (Photo: PDN File Picture)
This week's Sky News features four planets and a partial solar eclipse: Solar eclipse is Friday and we will not see it Guam, but what I find really interesting about this eclipse, is that no one will see it: it 's only visible in the. extreme south of the Pacific Ocean between Australia and Antarctica and a partial eclipse in Tasmania and the penguins of Wilkes Land. will see it, but that's about all, one wonders if our planet should call Ocean and not Earth.
For more information: [19659042] Learn how to measure the night sky of Guam
We still have four planets in our early evening sky but Mercury reaches its maximum elongation, its greatest distance above the sky. Horizon for this trip, Thursday, July 12th. This means that by the end of the month it will disappear from the early evening sky and reappear in the early morning sky.
Only clouds will stop you
Venus, as usual, is hard to miss high above the western horizon as it begins to get dark. So get out around 19:30. any night this week and find the two planets closest to the sun. There will still be some light, but only clouds will prevent you from seeing Venus and Mercury.
Since there is a solar eclipse on Friday, even though no one sees it, it means that the new moon is also Friday and waxing the crescent moon will join Mercury and Venus in the west sky this weekend. The moon will appear near Venus next Monday.
But Venus and Mercury are not our only evening planets. Turn 90 degrees to your left and face south. You will see Crux the South Cross inclined on its right side and Alpha and Beta Centauri will certainly look like eyes to the left of the Cross. Measure four Alpha and Beta Centauri fist widths and you will find Jupiter, your third planet.
Giant hook in the sky
Below and to the left of Jupiter, you will see this giant hook hooked Le ciel. His official name is Scorpius Scorpio, of course, but there are no scorpions in the Pacific and all the Pacific cultures have called it what it really looks like; a hook. To the left of the hook, you will see Sagittarius the Archer which looks much more like a teapot than a centaur holding a bow and arrows. The center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is right next to the beak of the teapot and the whole area is worth exploring with your binoculars.
The lid of the teapot is a star triangle and you can also use your binoculars at this "star" & # 39; which is just above the top of the triangle because it's not a star. It will probably look elongated because your binoculars are not powerful enough to separate Saturn's rings from the planet. Yes, it's Saturn, your fourth planet.
The Four Great Moons of Jupiter
Take a look at Jupiter with your binoculars. You will see two, three or four bright stars in a line next to the planet. They are not stars either; these are the four big moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
Oh, and if you trust to look at the planets and that you are outside after 20:30. or so this weekend you could just see a very bright yellow star in the eastern sky near the horizon. This is not a star and it is not supposed to be yellow. This is great news and I will tell you about it next week. Do not miss a single Starry, Starry Night!
For more information: Road to PNB Rock's Pre-Rock Party for July 11
For more: Guam's Poet Laureate Frederick B. Quinene Publishes the Collection of Poetry
Pam Eastlick is the Star Lady.
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