Investors tracking the shares of Lucara Diamond Corp (LUCRF) may have noticed that the stock has increased 0.20% over the last 4 weeks. After a return in the last half of the year, equities saw a change of -30.08%. Over the past 52 weeks, equities have increased 25.47%. Over the past 5 trading periods, equities have moved -4.00%.
Investors seeking strong returns in the stock market may need to be careful to avoid common pitfalls. When the good times follow one another, investors may be very tempted to invest a lot of money in certain stocks that have generated returns. A problem with this approach is that a stock that has been hot for a few months might not be hot over the next three months. It is always important to remember that past performance does not guarantee future results. Entering a stock too late can let the average investor beat the table as a former winner turns into a current loser.
Traders can focus on the ATR or Average True Range indicator when badyzing stocks. At the time of writing these lines, Lucara Diamond Corp (LUCRF) has a 14 day ATR of 0.06. The indicator of the average real range was developed by J. Welles Wilder in order to measure volatility. The ATR can help traders to determine the strength of a break or a price reversal. It is important to note that the ATR was not designed to determine price direction or predict future prices.
We can also look at the average directional index or the ADX of the stock. For traders looking to capitalize on trends, the ADX can be an essential technical tool. The ADX is used to measure the strength of the trend. ADX calculations are performed based on the expansion of the moving average price range over a given period. ADX is represented in the form of a line whose values range from 0 to 100. The indicator is non-directional, which means that it measures the strength of the trend, which the course of the action is more or less high. The 14-day ADX for Lucara Diamond Corp (LUCRF) is currently at 18.68. In general, the ADX value of 0-25 would represent an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would indicate a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would mean an extremely strong trend.
Looking more closely from a technical point of view, Lucara Diamond Corp. (LUCRF) currently has a 14- Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 10.56. Typically, the ICC oscillates above and below a zero line. Normal oscillations tend to stay in the range of -100 to +100. A CCI reading of +100 may represent overbought conditions, while readings near -100 may indicate an oversold territory. Although the CCI indicator has been developed for raw materials, it has also become a popular tool for evaluating stocks.
The moving average is a tool commonly used by technical badysts. Moving averages are considered lagging indicators that simply take the average price of an action over a certain period of time. Moving averages can be very useful for identifying peaks and valleys. They can also be used to help the trader determine the appropriate levels of support and resistance for the stock. Currently, the 200-day MA for Lucara Diamond Corp (LUCRF) sits at 1.80.
The Williams Percent Range or Williams% R is a technical indicator that deserves to be examined. Lucara Diamond Corp (LUCRF) currently has a 14-day Williams R of -55.62. The Williams% R fluctuates between 0 and -100 to determine if a title is overbought or oversold. The Williams% R is similar to the stochastic oscillator except that it is traced backwards. Levels above -20 may indicate that the stock may be considered overbought. If the indicator moves below -80, this may indicate that the stock is oversold. Graphical badysts can also use the indicator to predict possible price reversals and to define trends.
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