It became known, when the Earth is closer to the planetary killer that causes earthquakes


<img clbad = "aligncenter" src = "" alt = "By the end of the summer of 2018, Nibiru's The astronomers believe that in August of this year, the earthlings will be able to see the planet without a telescope.

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Australian astronomer posted in the social media video , what a mysterious planetary-killer called Nibiru approaching the Earth.The researchers found that the outer diameter of the object is about 260,000 km, double the diameter of the planet. Jupiter: Scientists believe that at the end of the summer, Nibiru would come dangerously closer to the planet, which earthlings will see in the sky, even to the naked eye. badumed that the planet that is approaching is not a planet, a comet, but the experts have denied this tea Nibiru can not be a comet because of the fact that it does not have the characteristic tail. Experts believe that another proof that the Earth is getting closer to Nibiru, are the earthquake uchaschimsya.

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