Elon Musk returns on the attack of "Pedo Guy" on Cave Diver after investor pressure


Technology billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday rejected his claim that a British diver involved in the rescue efforts in Thailand was a pedophile, an accusation made after the man had criticized a submarine that Mr. Musk had built to help The cave rescuer, Vern Unsworth, who helped save 12 boys and their football coach, told CNN last week that the miniature submarine, built with rocket parts, was a "PR" ". "

million. Musk, who called Mr. Unsworth "pedophile" in a series of tweets angry the ship

The messages of Mr. Musk, which were subsequently deleted, have echoed beyond social media. The news frightened investors and contributed to a Monday downturn in the action of electric car company Tesla, for which Mr Musk is managing director. Tesla's stock rose again on Tuesday.

Musk is excused in tweets responding to an article saying that the media had overestimated his involvement in the rescue effort, writing "As this well-written article suggests, my words were expressed in anger after Mr Unsworth declared lies and suggested that I engage in a badual act with the mini-sub, which was built as an act of kindness and according to the specifications of the head of Diving team. "

He added :" Nevertheless, his actions against me do not justify my actions against him, and for that I apologize to Mr. Unsworth and the companies I represent in as a chef. The fault is mine and me alone. "

The submarine was not used for salvage, and the Thai authorities had previously described it as impractical for the mission in Tham Luang Cave

. Musk's attack on Mr Unsworth sparked criticism from investors such as Gene Munster, head of research at Loup Ventures, who wrote in an open letter Monday that the exchange had " crossed the line. "

apologize, Mr. Munster added:" I guess you would agree since you deleted the Twitter channel, but it will take more than that to regain investor confidence. Your behavior fosters a useless perception of your leadership – thin-skinned and moody. "

In an interview on Wednesday, Munster said Mr. Musk's apology was a" huge first step, "but Mr. Musk should continue to be measured on social media.Loup Ventures does not invest in Tesla.

"I can see why anyone would say that it's 80% apologetic," said Munster, adding that it was rare for Mr. Musk to Publicly excuses. "I'm not aware that he ever did."

This was not the first time that Mr. Musk's anger was drawing criticism In a letter from Mr. Munster quoted in a letter from Mr. Munster, Mr. Musk cut off an badyst who asked Tesla to raise additional funds from investors, saying that [traduction] " the boring questions are not cool. "] Mr. Unsworth, who lives in Thailand and had already explored the cave in which the football team was trapped, has has been quoted in press articles saying that he could take legal action against Mr. Musk. He could not be reached for comment on Wednesday.

"I think people realize what kind of guy he is," Unsworth told an Australian newspaper this week. "It's not over."

A spokesman for Mr. Musk said that he and his representatives did not have any other comments on the excuses or concerns of investors.

The 12 members of the Wild Boars football team were released. the hospital on Wednesday. With their trainer, they had been trapped in the cave since June 23 by waters that rose nearly 10 feet in less than an hour

They were rescued from the cave flooded the week last. team of divers while the oxygen was decreasing and that the soccer team was in danger of death.

Mr. Musk was in Thailand during the rescue efforts to deliver his submarine. He and his representatives argued that the submarine would have been usable

A Thai army official said last week that the mini-submarine would be suitable for use in open water and that it would be suitable for use. he had heard that the technology The Navy SEAL team.

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