Apollo and the hoax of the moon landing | Human World


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It's been almost 50 years since the Apollo 11 mission landed the first human beings on the moon, and since the astronaut Neil Armstrong made his famous first step on the lunar surface, pronouncing the words: [19659004Thisisasmallstepforthemanagiantstepforhumanity

But not everyone believes that he did it. In the video above, Roger Launius, now senior curator at the Division of Space History of the National Museum of Air and Space, discusses the belief that landings on the moon have never occurred.

How many believe today that the six inhabited lunar landings (1969-1972) were faked and that 12 Apollo astronauts do not actually walk on the moon? A 1999 Gallup poll found that only 6% of Americans doubted landing on the Apollo 11 moon. But – as the 21st century has caused an increase in the use of the Internet and a different level of truth in the media – this number has increased, so that Wikipedia's entry on this topic (Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories) suggests:

locations have shown that between 6% and 20% of Americans, 25% of Britons and 28% of Russians surveyed believe that manned landings have been rigged.

One of the early promoters of the moon landing plot theory was Fox television. network, which in 2001 released a documentary-style film entitled Conspiracy Theory: Did we land on the moon? He claimed that NASA simulated the first landing in 1969 to win the race to space. The film featured "evidence" of deception, including photos showing no stars in the lunar sky and American flags waving on the moon, despite the fact that there is no evidence of deception. air or wind. He showed singularities of photography and film. He introduced one of the most persistent claims of hoaxes: astronauts would not have been able to cross Van Allen's radiation belts to get to the moon.

All of these claims have been explained with the facts, of course, but – as has become increasingly evident to all of us in recent years – human beings often do not base their findings

In recent years, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission has returned images of the moon's surface – taken from orbit – showing the shadows of different landing gear. ; Apollo. LRO also acquired the image of five of the six American flags of the Apollo missions on the moon; only the first flag to be laid – by the Apollo 11 crew – is now on the lunar surface after being accidentally knocked over by the escape rocket.

The conspiracy theorists will say that these images – like all images of the Apollo mission – are false.

In 2009, NASA 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) made its first imagery of the Apollo lunar landing sites. The images show the lunar landers of the Apollo missions sitting on the surface of the moon. The images were deliberately obtained at a low sun angle, so you can see the shadows of the landers in the largest views. Enlarge image: Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Eagle. Width of the displayed image: 925 feet (282 meters). Enlarge image: Apollo 15 lunar module, Falcon. Width of the displayed image: 1,260 feet (384 meters). Enlarge image: Apollo 16 lunar module, Orion. Width of the displayed image: 256 meters (840 feet). Enlarge image: Apollo 17 Lunar Module, Challenger. Width of the displayed image: 359 meters (1,178 feet). Image through the NASA / Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Magnified view of the lunar module of Apollo 14, Antares, acquired in 2009. Width of the image displayed: 536 meters (1,765 feet) ). Image through the NASA / Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

In 2012, the LRO mission captured images of planting American flags at Apollo landing sites. This one comes from the landing site of Apollo 17, via NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University / Phys.org

Bottom line: Some of the reasons why people persist to refuse humans have landed on the moon, with links to more information on

Read more: Why are Van Allen not an obstacle to spaceflight?

  Deborah Byrd

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