Fossil's Amazing Dragon & # 39; rewrote the history of dinosaurs


  An interpretation of the artist shows Lingwulong shenqi a sauropod dinosaur found in China

A rendering of the artist shows Lingwulong shenqi a sauropod dinosaur found in China

The new species was called Lingwulong shenqi, which literally means "amazing dragon of Lingwu", after the city near the place where he was found.

"It would not have been too dissimilar to other sauropods, although the group Lingwulong had slightly shorter necks than other sauropods," he said. Lingwulong lived 174 million years ago during the Jurbadic period.

The fossils of a newly discovered long neck dinosaur force scientists to rethink the origins of one of most iconic dinosaur lineages. This group of long-necked animals includes the brachiosaurus brontosaurus apatosaurus and diplodocus as well as many ] of others, and Paleontologists from China are now ready to add another new species to the list. "For a long time it was thought that neosauropods did not enter Asia during the Jurbadic period". "Additionally, the age of this new taxon indicates that many advanced sauropodium lineages appeared at least 15 million years earlier than expected, reaching worldwide distribution while Pangea was still a coherent mbad. "

There have been no other discoveries of sauropods in East Asia as it is thought that they evolved after Pangea – a former super continent that represented the majority of the landmbad – divided and began to form continents as we know them today.

says they should be between 35 to 55 feet (11 to 17 meters) long and he thinks they were moving slowly most of the time.

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Scientists were surprised that the fossil was 15 million years older than all similar dinosaurs and were also surprised at the place where the dinosaur was found.

Archaeologists have discovered bones of 8-10 Lingwulong specimens that is nearly 57 feet long, says the main author of the study, the paleontologist Xing Xu (Academy Chinese Science).

"The Discovery of Lingwulong Rejects the Origination Times of Many Sauropod Dinosaur Groups We Consider as Most of the Icons, and Challenge Many Conventional Ideas on the biogeographic history of dinosaurs, "said Gizmodo Philip Mannion, author of the study and paleontologist at Imperial College London.] The new study report on" l & # 39; amazing dragon of Lingwu ", or Lingwulong shenqi shows that our knowledge of the evolution of dinosaurs still presents significant gaps.

Archers still learn" l & # Amazing Dragon "and his habits, but Xu told Newsweek's Georgiou that Lingwulong probably traveled in herds and dined on plants at the lake's edge. in Asia led the scientists conclude that the collapse of Pangea has created a vast sea that has prevented animals of the Jurbadic era from moving on the mainland

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